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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

changing legacy name coming soon??


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Maybe it was different in the long ago days of two months ago, but when I started playing relatively recently one of the first things I asked around about was surnames. I picked out my choice of legacy name before I was level 15, and spent at least ten levels working towards it, with my fingers crossed that it hadn't already been taken (it hadn't. yay).


How can you be so oblivious as to play thirty-odd levels in a game and not notice that some people have surnames that you don't, and not have the curiosity to find out how to get one?

Edited by G-Girl
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It seems what would have made you happy is the ability to pick a separate surname for each character. But names are a scarce resource: There are already problems that occur when planning character transfers and name conflicts exist. Many of us have already experienced that a name we wanted was taken. Now allow for the possibility of up to eight names being reserved by one player. Unless you want a system where names are not unique (which I think is a bad idea), one name per account seems to be the most palatable choice, even if it is not perfect. As a compromise, you do have the ability of turning off the display of the name on any character on your account.


This may make some sense but I can already take up an unlimited number of first names. I would not oppose a character cap for each unique player per server. In any case, this does nothing to alleviate my frustration while playing, and at the end of the day that's what it's all about.


The game seems to encourage multiple characters (which I don't really like, but some might I guess.) However, it doesn't let you make each character your own, and that's just frustrating.


I went through several names that were taken before coming up with something I really liked and was available. This is part of the deal and I wouldn't complain about that. But, I managed to get quite creative and put time and thought into finding a name combo I really wanted only to be frustrated by a forced game mechanic, not a lack of availability.


I play with hidden Legacy. Yes it's a compromise, but as a sincere player reporting his experience; it leaves me feeling unsatisfied. Personally, I think surnames are kinda lame and they should have given us the ability to come up with unique titles for our characters, rather than surnames that link all our future characters. Would have been way cooler IMO.

Edited by DragomirSA
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Whats stupid is that its not side related.


If you pick a Republic based Legacy name , you Empire chars have it too which is just ridiculous.


Like Legacy name ,for example, Lightbringer or Soulrender or some such nonsense.


Yeah Darth Rakazash Lightbringer or Darth Rakazash <The Lightbringer Legacy> ,while said char is full on Dark side. Mental.


The whole legacy things just fur coat no knickers anyway, just so limp.Buyable legacy unlocks,great job lol.

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i sent in a ticket and they said that you cant change your legacy name now unless it vilolates the rules or something and i didnt no that it would make it my last name so now i look like an idiot with 2 first names and i would love to change my legacy name before someone takes it


I've seen quite a few people on my server have that, their first and last name being the same, and yeah it does make me think they are idiots also.


The whole legacy things just fur coat no knickers anyway, just so limp.Buyable legacy unlocks,great job lol.


Well at least the class buffs with be useful, and also the +400 presence from companions, and you cannot buy that.

Edited by System_TOR
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need change too, lot of ppl need a change

simply cuz most of them didnt know the rules about capitals and dots commas e.t.c.


some1 said that puts o'Connor and the game change it to O'connor which is wrong

i put X.X.X. letters (i put Xs cuz i dont wanna say what i put) but the game make it Xxx

and many more like these

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need change too, lot of ppl need a change

simply cuz most of them didnt know the rules about capitals and dots commas e.t.c.


some1 said that puts o'Connor and the game change it to O'connor which is wrong

i put X.X.X. letters (i put Xs cuz i dont wanna say what i put) but the game make it Xxx

and many more like these


Yup, that is absolutely ridiculous. You have it one way in the box where you typed it, and it accepts it PERMANENTLY as something else. Unacceptable and unprofessional really.

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