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The Hunger Games: STAR WARS Edition – Arena


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“Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favour…”


The Hunger Games: STAR WARS Edition – The Arena


Welcome to the arena, where the events of the Games themselves will take place. The purpose of this thread of this thread is to provide a play-by-play of the tribute’s struggles as they battle to the death for your entertainment.


As each tribute’s turn is debated and the discussed in the Spectator's Lounge, the results of the Head Gamemaker’s decisions will be posted here for all to see. Gifts procured by tributes, decisions made, encounters stumbled upon and their potentially fatal consequences will all be documented here for you to follow.


It also features a map of the arena, with summaries on each zone, and finally the status of each tribute describing their current condition, whereabouts and company, so you can track your favourites and keep tabs on the competition.


*NOTE that posting in this thread is limited to the Head Gamemaker only.*

Please take general discussion, queries, debate on tribute decisions and encounters and sponsorship proposals to the Spectator’s Lounge. Look but don't touch folks.


Map of the Arena


The arena is divided into five separate zones inspired by the jungle world of Yavin 4. Each with their own unique terrain, points of interest, flora and fauna, no zone is safe, but each possesses its own set of advantages.


For reference, a diagram of the arena: http://i.imgur.com/UcmDPrN.jpg?1


Zone 0: Site of the Cornucopia and a Massassi arena.


Diagram of the Cornucopia: http://i.imgur.com/fRVcGnx.png


This space is dominated by a traditional Massassi fighting arena, a multi-levelled stone structure with the Cornucopia at the bottom atop a pedestal. All 24 tributes start at the top with wide set of stairs leading down to each level.


The upper level features low-end loot and no weapons, the ground level is scattered with ruined walls and features medium-end loot and some weapons, while the Cornucopia features the best loot and an entire armoury of weaponry.


Weapons available and on display within the Cornucopia are as follows:

Melee Weapons


One-handed vibroblades / Two-handed vibroswords / Vibro double-blades / Vibro daggers-throwing knives / Vibroaxes / Vibro rapiers / Phrik electrostaffs / Shock whips


Ranged Weapons


DH-17 blaster pistols / LL-30 blaster pistols / 434 heavy blaster pistols / E-11 blaster rifles / A280 blaster rifles / DC-15 blaster rifles / E-11 sniper rifles / Sonic hand blasters / Bowcasters / Flamethrowers / Energy bows


Grenade Belts


Flashbang grenade belts / Electromagnetic grenade belts / Smoke grenade belts / Nerve gas grenade belts

Zone 1: Dense jungle area surrounding a Massassi temple.


This forested zone features an authentic replica of the Great Temple, with channels powerful dark side energy and is filled with a repository of Sith artifacts, amulets and weapons. It is also the most dangerous area in the arena, prowled by savage Massassi warriors and the temple itself stalked by a fearsome Terantatek.


Zone 2: Mountain terrain and a gundark nesting ground.


The least forested zone, it features a lot of uneven terrain, outcrops and narrow ravines. Offering hiding spots and ambush points as well as a food source in the form of runyip herds. However it is also prowled by the packs of deadly gundark. Finally deep into the zone lies an old Jedi shrine, which emits a faint presence in the Force.


Zone 3: Fertile terrain and site of an inactive volcano.


A densely forested area that due to the fertile soil, it is rich with edible fruit and attracts many runyip herds. However not all the fruit is edible and the prey attracts a great deal of dangerous and genetically modified predators.


Zone 4: Aquatic zone covered in swamp terrain and underwater creatures.


Covered largely in a forested freshwater swamp varying in depths from knee length to several meters, this zone is one of the few places where drinkable water is plentiful in an otherwise barren terrain of closely guarded watering holes. The swampy waters however conceal a great deal of dangerous aquatic predators.

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Ahsoka Tano


Physical/Mental Condition: Fatigued, battered/bruiser, one fractured rib.

Location: Zone 3

Company: Obi-Wan Kenobi & Kit Fisto

Equipment: Mid-value backpack, pack of dried meat strips, water purifying tablets, fire rod, coil of synthrope.


An’ya Kuro


Physical/Mental Condition: Healthy

Location: Zone 3

Equipment: High value pack, 434 heavy blaster pistol, vibroblade

Company: None


Asajj Ventress


Physical/Mental Condition: Healthy

Location: Zone 4

Equipment: Mid-value backpack, pack of dried crackers, water purifying tablets, survival knife, bacta spray, net w/ rope, 434-heavy blaster pistol, night-vision goggles.

Company: None


Atton Rand


Physical/Mental Condition: Healthy

Location: Zone 2

Equipment: Mid-value pack, DH-17 blaster pistol

Company: None


Aurra Sing


Physical/Mental Condition: Fatigued, minor head wound.

Location: Zone 0/Cornucopia

Equipment: DH-17 blaster pistol, throwing knives, E-11 sniper rifle

Company: Boba Fett, Bossk, Embo


Boba Fett


Physical/Mental Condition: Mild nerve gas infection, injected with adrenal

Location: Zone 0/Cornucopia

Equipment: E-11 blaster rifle

Company: Bossk, Embo, Aurra Sing




Physical/Mental Condition: Injured, blaster wound to the chest, no vital organs damaged.

Location: Zone 0/Cornucopia

Equipment: DC-15 blaster rifle

Company: Boba Fett, Embo, Aurra Sing






Canderous Ordo - DECEASED




Physical/Mental Condition: Injured, minor incisions all over his body.

Location: Zone 0/Cornucopia

Equipment: None

Company: None




Physical/Mental Condition: Healthy

Location: Zone 0/Cornucopia

Equipment: Bowcaster, high-value backpack

Company: Boba Fett, Bossk, Aurra Sing


Ezra Bridger


Physical/Mental Condition: Healthy

Location: Zone 4

Equipment: Backpack, dried meat strips, water purifying tablets, a fire rod and a coil of synthrope

Company: None


Grand Inquisitor: DECEASED




Physical/Mental Condition: Minor chassis damage, short-circuited servomotors

Location: Zone 4

Equipment: None

Company: None




Physical/Mental Condition: Fully operational, minor chassis damage, chance of leaking fluids

Location: Zone 4

Equipment: A280 blaster rifle, E-11 sniper rifle, Flamethrower, Flashbang grenade belt, Nerve gas grenade belt, DH-17 blaster pistol, power pak, one high-value backpack, one low-value backpack.

Company: None


Kaliyo Djannis: DECEASED


Kir Kanos


Physical/Mental Condition: Healthy, mildly fatigued

Location: Zone 2

Equipment: Double-vibroblade, vibrodagger, pack of nuts and raisins, glowrod, survival knife, coil of synthetic rope, dart gun with darts, ration stick, medpac and backpack.

Company: None


Kit Fisto


Physical/Mental Condition: Healthy

Location: Zone 3

Equipment: Vibroblade

Company: Obi-Wan Kenobi & Ahsoka Tano




Physical/Mental Condition: Healthy

Location: Zone 1

Equipment: Shock whip, vibro-daggers/throwing knives, high value pack

Company: None




Physical/Mental Condition: Healthy

Location: Zone 1

Equipment: High-value backpack, half a pack of dried fruit, fire rod, water purifying tablets, Rbollean petal-oil, night vision goggles, 434 heavy blaster pistol, portable general purpose scanner.

Company: Savage Opress


Obi-Wan Kenobi


Physical/Mental Condition: Fatigued, battered/bruised, one fractured rib.

Location: Zone 3

Equipment: Mid-value backpack, Vibro-axe

Company: Ahsoka Tano & Kit Fisto


Quinlan Vos


Physical/Mental Condition: Healthy

Location: Zone 1

Equipment: One-handed vibroblade, energy bow, high value backpack, smoke grenades belt.

Company: None


Savage Opress


Physical/Mental Condition: Injured, deep flesh wound to left side (treated with bacta spray bandages)

Location: Zone 1

Equipment: High-value backpack, coil of synthrope, half a pack of nuts and raisins, glowrod, all-temperature cloak, macro-binoculars, demolitions kit.

Company: Maul

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STAR WARS: HUNGER GAMES LOG 001 // Day 1 - 0900 // Cornucopia Bloodbath


Arranged in a perfect square around the Cornucopia, cylinder shaped platforms peel open to reveal the twenty-four tributes who in exactly sixty seconds will be forced to fight to the death.


"Let the 1st Star Wars Hunger Games, begin." A voice booms. "And may the odds be ever in your favour."


Then the countdown starts.


For a moment they are dazzled by the bright glare of the sun, and then, second by second they begin to take in the surroundings. They stand in a large clearing enclosed by forest. Before them a sunken arena, a faithful replica of an ancient Massassi fighting ground. They stand at the top, looking down at the Coruncopia, a glistening golden horn.


Thirty five, thirty four, thirty three...


Some of the tributes are fixed upon it, others on the competition, others on the backpacks scattered about the upper tiers, while others still look to the forest surrounding them.


Twenty seven, twenty six, twenty five...


In the north a great pyramid rises above the trees, it resonates with an ominous power.


Twenty three, twenty two, twenty one...


To the south a volcano lies seemingly dormant.


Nineteen, eighteen, seventeen...


To the east, rocky outcrops peek above the giant trees, but the west reveals nothing of its contents.


Fourteen, thirteen, twelve...


Each tributes makes a decision, fight or flight, one that may determine whether they survive the next few minutes...

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  • 3 weeks later...

...Three, two, one.


A cannon sounds, and the tributes are in motion, some rushing down the stairs in near invisible blurs, others leaping up high in impossible acrobatic displays, while others simply run, and try not to get killed.


Obi-Wan Kenobi was not among the latter however, instead he springs upward in a flash, soaring high before gracefully floating to the ground in a perfect crouch on bottom level of the arena. In a split second he takes in his surroundings and, reaching out with the Force, pulls a pack into his waiting grasp.


But there was something Kenobi didn't see, too fast for even he to detect, a sudden flash of red and black then something hard and booted struck his head, knocking him to the floor.


He springs to his feet, recovering in an instant, and takes in his attacker. The tatoos, the head of horns, they are unmistakable. Darth Maul will be his first opponent.




Getting to the Cornucopia had been easy, he had charged straight for it, and nobody dared get in his way. A monstrous clawed hand reaches out to pull a vibro-axe from a rack, Savage Opress smiles as he assesses its weight. This will do. Wasting no time he grabs a pack and barrels out of the Corncuopia, several tributes await him at the mouth but with a blast of energy he blows them away. As they stagger to their feet Savage catches sight of a flash of red among the ruins before him.




Ignoring the other tributes he rushes to his aid preternatural speed, the ruins peeling away to reveal Maul and Kenobi locked in combat, at that moment he sees a slim Togruta leaping from atop the walls towards them, before falling to the ground and coming at his brother with a kick.


Savage thinks otherwise, reaching out with the Force to catch her in mid-flight, and slam her against the wall. She cushions herself with the Force at the last instant and falls into a low crouch to assess the new threat. Savage snarls, Maul and Kenobi break off, and for a moment they are unmoving, the calm before the storm.

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"Ahsoka, you're no match for these two. Get out of here."


"I'm not leaving you, Master, I can -"


But there was no more time for words, the brothers were in motion, Maul flying at Kenobi to land a kick to his chest, as Savage charged, bringing his axe down on Ahsoka's head. She sidestepped the attack at the last moment, as Kenobi swept out with his legs to catch Maul.


But the brothers were faster, Maul tuck jumping the sweep before kicking out, striking Kenobi in the face and sending him sprawling, just as Savage swung his axe to the side to catch Ahsoka in the chest, knocking her against a crumbling wall with a hard smack. Kenobi springs to his feet as Maul throws a punch and Ahsoka throws out her palms to blast Savage with the Force, blown back by the impact he digs his axe into the ground to slow himself to a stop.


Now Savage returns in kind, throwing out a palm to strike with the Force, Ahsoka narrowly evades the attack, leaping away as he blew a hole in the wall to land atop it, and like a lithe predator springing from wall to wall before launching herself as the Dathomirian's horned head. But with a speed that defies his size a taloned hand shoots out and grabs her by the leg, throwing her to the ground like a discarded toy.


She groans in pain, coffing up dirt as Savage approaches, raising his axe to deal the killing blow.


But something soars above him, Kenobi. Reaching out mid-flight he disrupts Savage's cybernetic arm, his left hand snaps open as Obi-Wan descends to strike his left forearm, the axe falls from his grip and as Kenobi rolls to the floor he seizes it in his own.


"We're outmatched," he says, as he lifts Ahsoka to her feet. His face battered and bruised, clutching his side.


The brothers advance on him, snarling, and with a seeming unspoken agreement summon the Force and lash out in tandem. The Jedi barely see the attack coming, at the last moment throwing up their hands to shield from the impact, still they are swept of their feet and blown through the wall behind them, the virboaxe slips from Kenobi's grip and Savage retrieves it as they step through the debris.


The Jedi stagger to their feet as the growling Nightbrothers advance towards them, but as they do something descends from above, with the speed of a bullet. Savage falls first, as something limber and green with a billowing head stress slams its feet into the back of his head, pounding his face into the dirt. Maul has but time to snarl as it launches a kick, catching him in the chest and knocking him over the crumbled wall.


Kit Fisto leaps back, a single vibroblade outstretched, and a smile on his face.

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The Pau'an was the first to recover the telekinetic wave that had sent them all flying backward, seizing the opportunity he makes for the mouth of the Corncuopia, a pale hand snapping forward and a vibrorapier flying off a rack and into his grip. Then, almost without thinking, he rolls away as someone open fires on him from behind.


Or rather something. A rusty red assassin droid, it's glowing orange photoreceptors twinkling with a kind of glee as the machine levels its blaster rifle and fires upon him again.




In an instant Fisto's smile shifts to lethal intent, darting forward as Savage attempts to push himself up and cutting at him with a downward slash. As the blade curves Savage instinctively rolls away, but not fast enough, the humming sword slices across his side and cuts a deep gash in his tatooed flesh. Savage roars in pain and Obi-Wan reaches out with the Force, the fallen vibroaxe springing into his grip, but before Fisto can deal a finishing blow and blast of telekinetic energy sweeps him off his feet, sending him skidding backwards.


Savage staggers to his feet, clutching at his wound, blood seeping through his fingers, but he stands tall, refusing to show weakness. His brother stands beside him, snarling, chest puffed, as if daring the Jedi to attack.


"This might be a good time to retreat, old friend." Obi-Wan says, still clutching his side.


"I think you might be right."


And so with a wordless display leaps and somersaults they make for the trees. The brothers do not pursue.

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"It's time to leave brother." Maul announces and Savage finishes bandaging his wound with a strip of torn cloth.


"But we have no weapons!"


"Patience, Savage. Weapons are not needed for us to kill, and we will have another opportunity."


No more words are exchanged, and within seconds the Nightbrothers are gone for the Cornucopia, heading for the ancient Sith temple that looms in the distance.




"Declaration: Assassination protocols engaged. Prejudice set to maximum." HK proclaims, jets of plasma rattling out of his blaster rifle. The Pa'an flips back as bolts stud the floor where he stood, before leaping forward in a blur.


HK open fires again but the Inquisitor is faster, sidestepping the bolts with seeming effortless grace as he dashes forward to slash the droid open. As the humming blade slices through air HK leaps back, the rapier cutting his weapon in half as he falls to the ground. The droid rolls aside as the Inquisitor scores the ground with his blade, a mechanical appendage hooks about the Inquisitors leg and pulls him to the ground. He snarls as HK snaps to his feet and snatches up a pistol, a hand thrusts out before he can shoot, pinning him against a wall with the Force.


The Inquisitor sees it before it happens, almost without thinking the he flings HK in front of him, using the droid as a shield as blaster fire splutters into the mouth of the Corncuopia. Sparks fly as a handful of bolts smack against HK's chassis, and with a wicked grin the Inquisitor pulls the droid towards his waiting vibrorapier.


But it proves an almost fatal error, as the HK, still fully operational, fires his blaster pistol. The bolt catches the Inquisitor in the shoulder, dropping his vibrorapier he relinquishes his grip and HK is sent tumbling across the floor, righting himself in an instant before flipping away behind a stack of crates.


Clutching his smoldering wound the Inquisitor takes in his new enemies, in a split-second recognising the Kyuzo bounty hunter Embo and the legendary Boba Fett. In the next instant they open fire and the Inquisitor throws himself out of the way, he hits the floor with a grunt before lashing out with the Force, blowing them back.


The bounty hunters are on their feet in seconds, but before they can fire again something small and cylindrical shoots from the back of the Corncuopia and bounces to the ground between them.


A brief pause, a distinct hiss, then a pale yellow gas begins to gush out of it.

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Hands clamp to mouths as the bounty hunters back away from the spreading fumes. The gas closes in, Embo pirouettes into the air, Boba dashes for the edge of the Cornucopia before leaping off it. The Inquisitor, still on the ground can but splay a hand, throwing back the gas as it threatens to envelop him. It rushes in to the Cornucopia, flooding towards him at all angles, he staggers to his feet throwing up another hand to create a bubble around him.


Through the smoke, a pair of photoreceptors glow orange behind him. If only he had seen them. The squeeze of a trigger, a flash of red, the Inquisitor hardly feels a thing as the blaster bolt pierces his heart.




She lurks at the edge of the Cornucopia, she has been taking her time, steadily advancing. Let them fight amongst themselves, she thinks. Let them snatch and claw while she, concealed in the Force, slips in and out unnoticed. She has been biding her time, but now the Force tells her it is time to act.


And so for a brief moment the Dark Woman becomes visible, before phasing through the very walls of the Cornucopia to emerge within. She is not alone. A droid, rusty red, raids the trove, slinging weapons over its back, a grenades belt over its shoulder, stuffing a power pak into a bag.


A cloud of yellowish gas blocks the entrance to the Cornucopia. No doubt the droids doing. Then it suddenly freezes, before wheeling around with speed that only a Jedi could match to aim a blaster at her.


Luckily she is a Jedi. With a raised palm she blows the droid away, and half a dozen crates with it. Before reaching out with the Force to pull a pack and vibroblade into her waiting hands, she slings the former onto her back. The droid is on its feet again, this time is firing off a shot, but she blocks it with a hand, before pulling the blaster into it.


And as soon as her fingers close around it, she disappears into nothing.


"Irritated remark: Jedi and their tricks."




She slips through the battlefield unseen, clouding the minds of those around her to her presence. She has no time to fight over scraps like the rest, she is Lumiya, Dark Lady of the Sith.


And so like a phantom she drifts into the mouth of the Cornucopia, deep purple robes flapping about her legs as the noxious gases melting away around her, she needn't go any further, what she needs is already within reach. A black metal hilt, from which extends a woven coil of metal wires. Yes, this will suit her purposes well. A pair of throwing knives catch her attention as she stalks away, she scoops them up and slips them through her belt.


Now she is ready to kill, she muses. Making for the trees as she heads for the ancient temple looming in the distance.




Ventress cushions herself against the impact as she's knocked to the ground again. Growling in irritation before rapidly rolling away as a clawed metal foot attempts to crush her. Springing to her feet Ventress throws out her palms to blow her opponent against a wall.


"Listen, General." She says "I've got places to be, can't we do this another time?"


The cyborg warlord, General Grievous, laughs, or rather the hoarse mechanical rasp that passed for one.


"Why? Surely we're not getting tired?" And with those words he lunges.

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His mechanical appendages slash like pincers as he attempts to grab her, Ventress leaps clear, soaring over his head to drop behind him. But Grievous is phased for only a movement, lashing out with a foot he strikes Ventress in the back, throwing onto the ground.


With a groan Ventress tries to get to her feet but Grievous is upon her, seizing her in a durasteel grip before flinging her through the air. With the Force Ventress controls her descent, landing feet planted against a wall before springing forward to launch herself at Grievous with a kick, striking him in the face, the General grunting as he slides away.


She couldn't keep this up much longer. But she's already found her exit. Without further hesitation she turns and runs for heading for a crumbling archway. Behind her Grievous leaps, soaring over her head to land in her path.


"Going somewhere?"


Ventress smiled "If you don't mind." Before throwing out a palm to knock Grievous under the arch, and then, with a clenched fist and a tug, brings it all collapsing on top of him. "Try not to miss me." She says on her way out.




"Get up, Boba." Something snarls with a guttural hiss. Boba forces himself to concentrate, head pounding, eyes blurry, as the something pulls him to his feet. Seven leering Trandoshans wielding a DC-15s waver in front of him before merging into one. Bossk.


"I could have killed you just now." He says with a toothy grin.


Boba shrugs him off, retrieving his blaster rifle, "Where's Sing and Bane?"


"Occupied, now come on we gotta move."


Boba doesn't protest as they climb back up to the top of the platform, the gas is clearing, Embo firing off shots blindly into the mouth of the Cornucopia.


"Nowhere to run." Bossk growls as he aims levels his own rifle. Only without warning a flaming jet stream pours out of the mouth, igniting the dissipating gas in a fiery ball and belching out of the Corncuopia, like a dragon breathing fire, Bossk and Boba shield their faces and Embo ducks behind a crate as grass ignites, creating a wall of flames.


Then something flashing and spherical pops out from the smoke. A bang, a bright flash of light and for a several seconds the bounty hunters are blind. HK-47 bursts from the smoldering Cornucopia, loaded with weapons and supplies, he is gone before they can recover.


They are still in a daze when a plasteel back pack smacks Bossk over the back of the head, knocking him down. Kaliyo Djannis smiles as she rushes Boba, driving a knee into his stomach before bringing a pair of elbows down on his back. She grabs his rifle and is about to shoot when a blaster bolt blows the weapon out of her hand. With a snarl Kaliyo vaults over the stack of crates besider her, then with a sharp kick brings the pile down over Boba and Bossk. Grabbing a pistol as they fall as they fall she open fires on Embo, studding the containers he's crouched behind with holes.


"Well at least one you knows how to fight." And with those words she shoots at him again.

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Bossk roars in pain as a blaster bolt struck him in the chest. Kaylio smiles, squeezing off another shot as he falls behind cover. Then Embo rushes her, evading a bolt as he springs into the air, she tries to shoot him out of the sky but the sun blinds her, Embo coming down to kick her in the chest.


Kaliyo is knocked to the ground, rolling away, but recovers quickly, sprinting towards Embo has he aims his bowcaster. She launches a high kick, knocking it out of her grasp. Embo throws a punch but the gas has made him sloppily, Kaliyo ducks under it before springing up word to headbutt Embo in the jaw. He staggers backward and she kicks him to the ground, and is about to shoot when a snarling green blur collides with her.


Bossk pins her to the ground, clamping his hands on her face. She lashes out with a palm, striking Bossk's wound and weakening his grip before kicking him off her. Staggering to her feet she searches for her blaster.


And then think strong arms grab her from behind, seizing her in a choke hold. She struggles to break away, biting, clawing, kicking, but Boba Fett's durasteel grip is unbreakable. Her blood shot eyes widen in fear as he slowly squeezes the life out of her, and then with one sharp jerk he ends it.


"She was mine." Bossk snarls as Kaliyo's limp body drops to the floor.


But Boba simple gives him a superior look. "Then next time don't play with your food."




Emerging from the arena, HK-47 scans the tree line for life signs. A heat reading registers on his optical sensors, humanoid in shape, not much more than a meter in height, and springing from branch to branch.


The humanoid is Ezra Bridger, and HK-47 calculates he is approximately 600 meters away.


"Mocking statement" the assassin droid says as he lines up his sniper rifle for a shot "Oh what a silly little meatbag, you've not run nearly far enough." He waits as his built in targeting computer lines the boy up in its cross hairs and is about to squeeze the trigger when something strikes him from behind, discharging a thousand volts of electricity into his mechanical body. Sparks fly and HK spasms, dropping the rifle as he falls to the ground.


"You won't be hurting anyone." A calm voice says as HK's frazzled photoreceptors come back online, an Iridonian Zabrak towers over him, one arm entirely mechanical and fused together by a beam of glowing cyan energy. HK's facial recognition software identifies him as the engineer, Bao-Dur.


"Correction: On the contrary, meatbag, I intend to hurt you very much."

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Bao-Dur was fast, faster than the assassin droid had expected, with almost Jedi-like reflexes he fires his pistol, and with pin-point precision incinerates the droid's left photoreceptor. At that moment HK's motor functions return to him and he grabs his flamethrower, belching out fire to engulf Bao-Dur, diving clear the Iridonian screams in pain as the flames singe his singe his clothes and burn his flesh. HK gets to his feet and prepares to loose another stream but Bao-Dur knocks the weapon from his grasp with a kick, ignoring the pain of his scorched body as he leaps at the droid.


HK is pinned to the ground, the motors in his right arm whining as it grips Bao-Dur's thrumming mechanical arm at the wrist. Face twisted into a grimace and disfigured by burns he pushes back against the droids grip, outstretched palm inching closer towards HK's chassis with a greater strength than the droid can match.


But his other arm that pins HK's left appendage to the dirt is organic, weak. With a sudden movement HK pulls his arm free to strike Bao-Dur in the temple, throwing him off and on to the ground. In the next split second HK is diving for Bao-Dur's fallen pistol, whipping around just as the Iridonian lunges at him, and fires.


The bolt tears through his chest, and he drops down dead.


Sparks fly from the droid's fried photoreceptor as HK gets to his feet to regard his fallen opponent.


"Complimentary statement: As far as organics go, you put up quite a fight. Observation: However, as is the case with all organic meatbags your fleshy parts caused your downfall. Now, where was I?"


Retrieving his fallen sniper rifle HK scans the trees for signs of the boy with his remaining photoreceptor, but Ezra is gone, obscured in a sea of electromagnetic interference.


"Reluctant observation: It appears the Iridonian bought enough time for the small meatbag to escape.


Mockery: How very noble of him."


And so the assassin droid makes for the trees, in pursuit of his quarry.




They circle each other like lions, breathing heavily. Canderous Ordo spits blood from his mouth, fingering the trigger of his E-11. His opponent is Kir Kanos, legendary hero of the Royal Guard.


The guardsmen twirls a vibroblade in his hands, eyeing his opponent with lethal intent.


This is a fight between warriors, a fight to the death.

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Kir Kanos springs forward, narrowly evading streaking plasma bolts as he advances on his opponent. He slashes at Canderous' throat but the Mandalorian ducks under the attack, and with a burst of speed swings at Kanos with his rifle, smacking him across the jaw. Kanos reels but recovers almost instantly, and with a humming slash cuts his weapon in two. He discards it with a roar, lunging at his opponent to seize his vibroblade by its hilt.


For a moment they struggle, then Canderous butts with his head, Kanos recoils and Canderous pulls the weapon towards him, simultaneously kicking out at his chest. The guardsmen's grip loosens then breaks as Kanos is sent staggering away. Canderous presses his advantage, coming at Kanos with fast and powerful slashes.


With practiced technique Kanos evades them, weaving between the blades before cartweeling away to seize a vibroblade resting against a crate. With a twirling flourish he rushes his opponent. Sparks shower the ground as their blades whirl and clash back and forth across the arena. But Kanos is the better swordsman, knocking Canderous' blade from his grasp and lunging for the kill.


The blade tears his clothes as Canderous narrowly evades it, and then with preternatural speed seizes Kanos wrist and twists the sword out of his grasp. With only their fists left to fight with they become a blur of kicks, feints, blocks and punches. Cycling through an endless sequence of moves and techniques in an attempt to overcome their opponent.


Then Kanos slams an upraised palm into the Mandalorian's throat before cartwheeling through the air to land a kick on the side of his temple, knocking him to the ground. But Canderous is not done, with a battle cry he snatches a virbodagger of the ground and charges his opponent, Kanos grabs the knife hand as it comes inches from his throat, before gripping it with both arms and throwing Canderous over his shoulder.


He blade slips from his grasp as Canderous is thrown to the floor and Kanos is on him in an instant, pinning the Mandalorian to the ground, knife upraised, ready to strike.


"I had hoped" Canderous splutters as his adrenals began to fail him "that I would have found a worthy opponent in this arena. It appears my wish has been granted." His voice hardens. "Now finish it."


Kanos looks him dead in the eyes, and then, with silent acknowledgement, brings the knife down.




She squeezes the trigger again, and again. But each time he'd dart behind a crumbling wall, duck beneath the bolt or simply jump it.


"Slippery bastard." Aurra Sing snarled as she lined up another shot, but then the fleeing figure, Atton Rand, whips around, firing several rounds from his pistol, and forcing Aurra behind her cover.


"Leave him, Aurra. We've got bigger fish to fry." Cad Bane says in a gravely tone.


"Fine, but if we see him again he's - Look out!"


But he reacts too slowly, the attacker knocking him to the ground with a kick. Aurra throws aside her rifle and draws a vibroblade just in time to meet her opponents on. Quinlan Vos sneers back at her from between their blades.


"Hello there, gorgeous."


Aurra snarls and throws him off, before Bane open fires with his twin LL-30s, forcing Vos to flip away.


Bane flashes him a sinister smile. "Ready to die, Jedi?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Ready to die, Jedi?"


"I'm no Jedi." Quinlan says with hint of malice. Lashing out with dark power to blow Bane away. Then wordlessly he springs at Aurra, raining down blows with an intensity she'd never faced before. His moves are as fast as they are unpredictable, Sing rapidly backpedaling as she struggles to keep up.


Cad Bane gets to his feet with a groan, his body smarting from half a dozen bruises inflicted from tumbling down the Cornucopia steps. This Jedi, was far more powerful than he was when he faced him on Teth. Something had changed.


Pushing those thoughts from his mind Bane retrieves his fallen blaster pistols and dashes back up to the top. He hears the clash of vibroblades before he sees them, ducking behind some crates in an attempt to remain undetected. He peers over them to watch as Sing is forced steadily backward. She is injured, blood trickling into her eye from a cut on her forehead. It was only a matter of time before Vos defeated her, but the Jedi has his back turned.


Bane saw an opportunity. Holstering a pistol he raises the other to eye Vos through his scope. Aiming at his chest he prepares fire a shot that will pierce his heart.


Then without warning Vos flips into the air, just as Bane squeezes the trigger. Leaving Aurra in its path instead, she raises her vibroblade to deflect it, falling to the ground as it absorbs the bolt but shatters in two in the process.


Then Vos lands in front of him. He tries to fire a shot but Vos has already slashed his weapon to pieces, and before he can draw his second pistol Vos grips him with the Force. Pulling the bounty hunter onto his waiting blade, the weapon tears through him, ripping apart flesh, rupturing organs and filling his lungs with blood.


Bane looks at Vos with an expression of pain and surprise as he stares back at him, with a cruel, cold gaze.


"Damn... Jedi..." He splutters, before life leaves his body, and Vos pulls the blade out of him.


Then Vos is somersaulting through the air as half a dozen blaster bolts streak towards him. He takes in his opponents mid flight as the bolts zip past him. Bounty hunters. Three of them. The Mandalorian, Boba Fett, the Trandoshan, Bossk, and that strange looking alien with the breath mask. Aurra Sing is with them, now wielding a blaster pistol.


The moment his feet touch the earth Vos springs away, a flurry of laser bolts studding the ground where he stood. Then he lashes out with the Force, splaying his hands and fanning them outward to knock the bounty hunters to the ground with a wave of energy. Four against one, the odds were hardly in his favour.


And so before the can recover Vos is away, rushing for the trees in search of Ventress.




Aurra Sing nudges the body at her feet.


"He's dead."


Bossk lets out a hiss. "One less competitor to worry about."


"He was a good bounty hunter" Boba says. "We could have used his skills."


"Well now he's gone" Aurra says, turning away "so let's focus on - " she pauses, as if suddenly senses something. Then wordlessly she holsters her pistol and retrieves her sniper rifle to point it at the arena below.


"What is it Aurra?" Boba asks.


"We've got company."


They all turn to look in the direction of her weapon, as some kind of giant metal arachnid races towards them. Sing fires a shot but the creature evades it with inhuman ability. Accelerating towards them at even greater speed it crawls up the side of the Corncuopia, and then, servomotors whirring, it unfurls to form the upright form of General Grievous.

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The bounty hunters open fire, the General shielding his face as the blaster bolts bounce off his duranium shell. Then he springs into the air, landing inches away from them. Embo leaps back but the other bounty hunters are too slow, as Grievous lashes out with a foot, sending Aurra and Boba flying, while a hand seizes Bossk by the head and slams him into the ground.


Grievous raises his clawed foot over the dazed Bossk, and is just about to crush his ribcage when a searing flash of red engulfs the side of his face, as Embo open fire with his bowcaster. He roars in anger and in that brief moment Bossk rolls away as the clawed appendage descends to pound the bare dirt beneath him. Then the cyborg turns on Embo and as he does Bossk falls into a low crouch, and with a snarl pounces on him from behind before Grievous can make a move, seizing him in a fierce grip he pulls back the general's arms to leave his chest exposed.


"Shoot him, Embo!" He snarls.


Embo obliges, but as the first volley impacts on his armor Grievous becomes a whirling blur, rotating his torso to fling Bossk off, taking out Embo in the process as the Trandoshan collides with him and they barrel into a stack of crates.


Then a sudden burst of power blows Grievous off his feet, he lands on all fours, sinking his claws into the dirt to slow his momentum as his assailant rushes towards him. Aurra Sing flies at him with preternatural speed, humming vibrodaggers in both hands, she brings her booted foot about to strike Grievous in the face.


But the General barely flinches, then lunges at her with his claws. Surprised by his speed Aurra barely evades the swipe, before hacking at Grievous with her own flurry of attacks. He dodges the first two slashes, but then an uppercut slices his chest plating, sending sparks flying. Sing smiles but her victory is short lived as with sudden speed a metal hand lashes out to seize her by the throat, she struggles to break his durasteel grip as Grievous lifts her off her feet, forming a knife with his other hand he prepares to stab.


But then he stops, as two spherical objects come to rest at his feet.


They both look down, and both eyes widen in recognition. But it is too late to act, with a high pitched whine the ion grenades detonated, releasing an electrostatic and engulfing the pair in crackling blue energy. Overloading Grievous' servomotors and short circuiting Sing's head implant. Grievous grip pops open as he sinks to his knees and Sing collapses to the ground.


Then the bounty hunters open fire, a flurry of bolts smacking Grievous in the chest before a few more collide with his face, knocking him onto the floor. He snarls in frustration, and then in typical form decides to retreat.


"Let him go." says Boba as Grievous scuttles away. "We don't have the energy to finish him anyway."


And they did not, battered, bruised, drugged and shot, the bloodbath had taken everything out of them. But they had seized control of the Cornucopia, and all its spoils belonged to them, for now.

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Chewbacca looks down at the Cornucopia from the top of a great Massassi tree. It looked as if the fighting had stopped, he was glad to have not played any part in it, he didn't want so shed any blood if it could be avoided.


But now the remaining tributes had dispersed, into the forest. A confrontation was inevitable, he was sure it would happen soon, now that the bloodbath was over, now that the real Games were about to begin.

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STAR WARS: HUNGER GAMES LOG 002 // Day 1 - 0930 // Round 1


Kir Kanos was looking through his pack when the cannon sounded. His muscles go tense, hand reaching for his weapon and for a moment Kanos is ready to kill. Then he relaxes a little, as he realises the source of the noise.


Five cannon rounds go off. Five dead tributes. Their names and faces would be displayed in the sky tonight.


Five less competitors to worry about. He thinks.


He returned to his pack, taking careful stock of all the items, anaylsing their function, size, quality. He slots the survival knife through his belt besides the one he used to kill Ordo and loads the dart gun. He had food, weapons and medicine, but he needed water, already fatigue from his fight with Ordo was setting in.


It was time to move, closing up the bag he slings it over his back along with his vibrosword, in one hand he holds his vibrodagger, in the other the dart gun fits snugly into the palm of his hand.


Half and hour passes, then an hour, when finally Kanos hears the sound of rushing water. A waterfall, gushing from a short cliff into a clear blue pool. There are no animals nearby. Cautiously he approaches, wading towards to waterfall to cup the water in his hands. He has no means of purifying the water, but he needed his strength, so he drinks. At the very least the flowing water wasn't stagnant, and if he did get infected, he had his medpac.


Passing his hands through the wall of water he realises there is no rockface behind it, instead beyond the waterfall lies a cave. Sheathing his knife and activating his glowrod Kanos enters. Its dark and damp, stalagmites and stalactites line the walls. He approaches the back of the cave, and the light catches on something pale.


Bones. The remains of some animal, and here on the wall, claw marks. He stoops to examine the bones, they've been picked clean, no way of telling how recently the body was devoured.


Then Kanos becomes very still as a shower of silt falls from the roof of the cave behind him. Slowing rising to his feet he turns around, to see a hulking, crimson shadow with glinting yellow eyes leering at him from above.


So, those remains are recent then. He thinks as the with an echoing cry the Gundark drops to the ground.

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STAR WARS: HUNGER GAMES LOG 003 // Day 1 - 1030 // Round 1


Kanos rolls away as the gundark slams its massive fists into the ground, it swipes at him again and this time he jumps upward, springing off its back to land in a crouch behind the creature. Then with a deft movement he flings his vibrodagger at its exposed rear, the creature roaring as the humming knife sinks into its flesh.


Holstering his dart gun Kanos draws his vibroblade as the gundark whirls around to swipe at him with its claws, but Kanos deftly evades its flailing before gouging its left appendage with a quick slash. The creature groans at Kanos' weapon cuts through its tendons, slumping to the ground beneath its own weight, then before it can recover Kanos deals the coup-de-grace, plunging his blade through its skull. For a moment its body spasms, and then it is still.

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STAR WARS: HUNGER GAMES LOG 004 // Day 1 - 0930 // Round 1


Leaping from tree to tree Chewbacca spies what he's been looking for, a few meters beneath him large coloured fruits hang from the branches. He drops down to get a closer look, and, recognising them as edible, pulls a fruit free and sinks his teeth in it. The fruit is delicious, better than any he's ever tasted, and within minutes he's eaten three. So engrossed in eating Chewie almost fails to pick up the scent of several creatures rapidly advancing towards him.


He looks up to peer into canopy before him, but he can see nothing, only there in the distance, a rustling of leaves and the shudder of branches. As if something, several things, were tearing through the canopy.


Then he sees them, small brown rat like creatures, a dozen maybe more, with long snouts and bulging eyes. And as they draw closer mouths snap open to hiss and shriek, revealing oversized pincer like teeth ready to sink into flesh.

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STAR WARS: HUNGER GAMES LOG 005 // Day 1 - 0945 // Round 1


Dropping his fruit Chewie abandons his perch, swinging from branch to branch in an attempt to lose them. But they are faster, faster than him, and he roars in pain as the first stintaril sinks its teeth into his shoulder. Tearing off with paw he flings the creature away mid flight, before landing on a thick branch to clasp the bleeding wound.


Then another lands on him, and another, and as he tears them away his roars of pain turn into that of rage. All thoughts of fleeing purged from his mind in a blood red haze he thrashes and flails, crushing rodents in his grip, smashing them against bark, tossing them into the trees.


Then Chewbacca loses his footing, and he and half a dozen snarling biting rodents and crashing through the canopy. Still tearing at each other as they fall. Branch after branch snaps beneath Chewie's weight before he manages to grab hold of vine, the thick leathery skin of his palms protecting his hands from being torn to shreds as he slides to a stop, leaving several stintarils to fall to the forest floor twenty meters below.


He tears one of the remaining two off his chest, but before he can reach the second it sinks its teeth into his arm, he roars in pain and releases his grip on the vine, crushing the stintaril in his grip before falling to the ground. A layer of branches break his fall, but the impact leaves Chewbacca bruised, and his body smarts from bites all over.

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STAR WARS: HUNGER GAMES LOG 006 // Day 1 - 1000 // Round 1


Maul and Savage move deeper and deeper into the undergrowth, drawn by the dark pull of the ancient temple that looms in the distance. Around Savage's abdomen a thick bandage covers the gash he received from Fisto. The Brothers are hungry, but their stamina is superhuman, so for now the nuts and dried fruit found in their packs is enough to sustain them. But they will need water soon.


Maul holds up his hand and without a sound they come to a stop. Muscles tensing.


"We are not alone." Maul whispers.


"I sense it too" Savage replies "something approaches."


Then a spear whistles out of the trees. But Maul sees it coming, effortlessly plucking the weapon out of the air as it falls towards him. From between the trunks yellow eyes glint with a primal bloodlust, as a pack of Massassi surround them.

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STAR WARS: HUNGER GAMES LOG 007 // Day 1 - 1015 // Round 1


The Massassi swarm from all sides, spears flying, teeth bared, claws extended. As the red mass descends the brothers become a tatooed blur, lashing out with the Force, seizing spears to twirl and stab as they hack away at their opponents. But they are outnumbered, and while Maul deftly evades his attackers Savage finds himself surrounded.


He roars in pain as a Massassi slashes his back with the spear, twirling about to eviscerate it with his own before cutting down two more. Now the Massassi have them cornered, seven in number as they back the brothers up against a thick trunk.


"Savage, with me brother."


No further words need be exchanged, Savage nods and in near perfect unison they lash out with wave of malicious energy, the seven Massassi are blown away. Necks snap, bones break. The remaining Massassi growl and hiss, and then retreat into the trees.


"Should we pursue brother?"


"No, they are not our targets."

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STAR WARS: HUNGER GAMES LOG 08 // Day 1 - 0930 // Round 1


Breathing heavily, Ezra finally comes to a stop. He hasn't stopped running since he fled the Coruncopia, keen to put as much distance between himself and the various trained fighters and killers he was up against.


But he was thirsty, and hungry, and he couldn't sense anyone nearby. And so, unstrapping him back and depositing it on the marshy ground he begins to survey its contents.


Five minutes later and he's cramming meat strips into his mouth, pausing in between to drink deeply from a canteen of purified freshwater he acquired from the swamps surrounding him. He would have to be on the move soon. It was only a matter of time before someone came this way.


But unbeknownst to Ezra somebody already had, somebody he'd been unable to detect. Asajj Ventress looks down at him from a branch some ten meters away, cloaked in the Force, and considering her next move.

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STAR WARS: HUNGER GAMES LOG 09 // Day 1 - 0930 // Round 1


Ezra rolls away with but a split-second to spare as Ventress pounces, evading a kick that would have sent him sprawling. Weaponless and knowingly outmatched against the infamous Separatist war criminal, Ezra gets to his feet and slowly backs away, trying not to betray fear as Ventress regards him with an almost amused expression.


"Impressive reflexes, little one. You're a Force sensitive, aren't you?"


"Maybe." He says with false bravado, considering his options.


"Listen, kid." She says, her smiled fading. "I'm not about to kill a defenseless child so why don't you just hand over that pack you have on your pack and I'll be on my way."


"Not happening." He snaps. "Besides without this I'll probably starve to death."


"Not my problem." She says, stretching out a hand. "Now hand it over, before I take it."


But Ezra has other ideas, splaying a hand to reach out with the Force. Expecting a telekinetic attack Ventress moves to defend herself, but none comes, instead two hideous gnarled creates coming swoop at her from behind on leathery swings. Claws beared and sharpened beaks ready to impale.

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STAR WARS: HUNGER GAMES LOG 010 // Day 1 - 0930 // Round 1


Stonerays. With a reflex action Ventress shoots one out of the air, but by the time its smoking body hits the floor the other is already upon her. Shrieking and raking at her upraised palms, and knocking her to the ground.


Lashing out with her anger she seizes the creature in the Force and with an almost effortless gesture, crushes its next. She whips around, searching for the boy, but he's gone.

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STAR WARS: HUNGER GAMES LOG 011 // Day 1 - 1000 // Round 1


HK-47 surveys his handiwork, blasters, a power pak and a demolitions kit carefully concealed within the hollow of the trunk. He had kept the rifles, and carefully strapped the grenades belt and synth rope to his body, the rest he’d dumped in a mirror.


Now for the matter of the boy.


He hadn’t made any effort to conceal his tracks so following his trail had been easy. A snapped branch here, a fresh footprint there. Moments later he discovered what appeared to be the remnants of food, and a scuffle? There were two dead creatures here, Stonerays by the looks of it, bodies crushed but with no signs of external injury, most likely the work of a Force user.


The little meatbag? Or someone else?


But HK-47 didn’t have time to think, only react as something burst from the water behind him. But he moved to slow, as a great finned tail coiled itself around his leg and pulled him into the water.

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