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Launcher starts but goes to black screen after pressing play.


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I am running windows 10 fully updated. Now as from 2 patches ago the launcher is not working properly. After I press play the screen goes black with a circular timer going round for ever. The only way I can exit the black screen and return to the game is ctrl + alt + delete . after this i find the game loading in the taskbar . From this point everything runs as normal. Until the next log in when I have to go through the whole farce again.
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Can you make a thread here and attach a dxdiag , this looks like a driver issue so try a different version video driver initially but if it persists make the new thread and can go from there


try pressing alt + enter when the game is a black screen

Edited by OwenBrooks
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I have the latest drivers as I fully update windows 10. Also I have an NVIDIA experience panel that also gives me the latest drivers. ALT + ENTER does not clear the black screen , nothing happens. Edited by LukeyboyT
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