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Should I give it a try ?


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Hey guys, I have a BH Shield Tech lvl 35 and decide to try something new, not that I don't like my BH at all.


Since I already have a tank and since there is way to much inquisitor ,,, I decide to try Marauder.


However, I read a lot that they need a buff, that they are bad against other class due to their cc....


My Marauder is lvl 11 and I like it so far :) do I waste my time with that class ?



Edited by DartJeff
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Hey guys, I have a BH Shield Tech lvl 35 and decide to try something new, not that I don't like my BH at all.


Since I already have a tank and since there is way to much inquisitor ,,, I decide to try Marauder.


However, I read a lot that they need a buff, that they are against other class due to there cc....


My Marauder is lvl 11 and I like it so far :) do I waste my time with that class ?




The trolls will say this class requires skill and is fine, others see the issues with it.


The class can solo, but the problem is that compare to the other classes you can't solo as well or as fast. Also you will be waiting on your defense cds alot. Alot of people was like ***, when a class base off being pissed and rage has to be calm and use every cd in almost every fight (silver and above). You will see every other class even healers be able to handle things easy, while you go into a fight living with 20 percent. People on this forum will tell you l2p, but hey the guild i'm in loves mara..well the ones sticking with it. 15 percent damage buff is nice.


Damage wise you have a slight edge over everyone else, but you give up way to much for it. Also, they added the fury buff system because noone wanted mara in the group. Now we will only want you for the buff.

Edited by Teladis
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The trolls will say this class requires skill and is fine, others see the issues with it.


The class can solo, but the problem is that compare to the other classes you can't solo as well or as fast. Also you will be waiting on your defense cds alot. Alot of people was like ***, when a class base off being pissed and rage has to be calm and use every cd in almost every fight (silver and above). You will see every other class even healers be able to handle things easy, why you go into a fight living with 20 percent. People on this forum will tell you l2p, but hey the guild i'm in loves mara..well the ones sticking with it. 15 percent damage buff is nice.


Do NOT listen to this guy...all he does is troll the forums because he has no idea how to play marauder...


Play what you like best and don't let people like Teladis tell you that class x is better than class y just because they can't play class x for ***** and infer that class y must be better since they have no problems spamming 3 skills ftw

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Do NOT listen to this guy...all he does is troll the forums because he has no idea how to play marauder...


Play what you like best and don't let people like Teladis tell you that class x is better than class y just because they can't play class x for ***** and infer that class y must be better since they have no problems spamming 3 skills ftw


I'm just trying to save him the horror of being level 50 with a subpar class. Wait untill they buff the class.



The class is FUN and I love it, but I've wasted my time when my wife can do everything I can do better and easier. When the wind blows and you could die, you start to not feel like a warrior, but a rogue without stuns.

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I'm just trying to save him the horror of being level 50 with a subpar class. Wait untill they buff the class.



The class is FUN and I love it, but I've wasted my time when my wife can do everything I can do better and easier. When the wind blows and you could die, you start to not feel like a warrior, but a rogue without stuns.


Yeah yeah...you've wasted your time with a subpar class...strangely enough I have no problems soloing and my dmg output is amazing...I don't even need my healer companion since I can burst mobs down faster than they can hit me...I use my cds at the right time and the dmg reductions are gamebreaking (did you ever really look at Cloak of Pain for example ?)


anyway ..qq blabla and mimimi is all I hear from you...if you think the class is bad then don't play it but don't go around saying the class is bad in of itself since it's not true...


so go to your bounty hunter that rips ppl apart in seconds if you want but please leave the Marauder forums to people that actually play the class instead of hammering Assault and wondering about low dmg...

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I'm Soon lvl 36 on my marauder and I Love it....in some situations it can be a bit squishy and you might end up having low hp when the mob die, but that's gold elites(and honestly? sounds like most classes), silver or lesser are no problem whatsoever....and besides, the dps I do is just to *********** awesome ta pass on. And if you're running with Quinn to heal you there's nothing stopping you. I havent pvped that much but the few rounds I've played I ended up comming first, second or third on dmg done.....people who dont want to know how to play the class call it UP, I call it challenging. The marauder is very rewarding if you do it right :)
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Yeah yeah...you've wasted your time with a subpar class...strangely enough I have no problems soloing and my dmg output is amazing...I don't even need my healer companion since I can burst mobs down faster than they can hit me...I use my cds at the right time and the dmg reductions are gamebreaking (did you ever really look at Cloak of Pain for example ?)


anyway ..qq blabla and mimimi is all I hear from you...if you think the class is bad then don't play it but don't go around saying the class is bad in of itself since it's not true...


so go to your bounty hunter that rips ppl apart in seconds if you want but please leave the Marauder forums to people that actually play the class instead of hammering Assault and wondering about low dmg...



I'm just voicing how I feel, and there are many others who feel the same way. It's not like I'm the only one on this forum that sees the issues.


That being said if you think at higher levels you are going to have a easier time with just your cds. You are wrong.



I'm more irked at the fact bioware said that we are suppose to feel ******. I don't mind having things tough when they should be, but when almost every planet 35+ even basic quest has turned into a chore. I don't feel like a ****** vader char. I mean when I see healers solo the content easier, and I'm suppose to be this force power being..I'm irked.

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Hey guys, I have a BH Shield Tech lvl 35 and decide to try something new, not that I don't like my BH at all.


Since I already have a tank and since there is way to much inquisitor ,,, I decide to try Marauder.


However, I read a lot that they need a buff, that they are bad against other class due to their cc....


My Marauder is lvl 11 and I like it so far :) do I waste my time with that class ?




ok i am lvl 42 and here is my thing



1. The Class quest is fun


2. Marauder in PVE is nice i haveing fun


3. Marauder in PVP sucks you going to die alot in warzones

The skills in PVP sucks, you have 0 CC only the chocker thats it

and some small snare skills


Vs other class its a joke


4. I rerolled here is why i like to pvp and pve

but in pvp be sure you have a healer with you 24/7 and you die anyway



5. my Dmg in random Pug Warzone as Anni spec is 140.000



6. my level 12 assi in a random Pug Warzone as dps spec do 200.000+ and have steath



7. Do i play the last levels to 50 yes why of the class quest. and after that for pve yes

but but for PVP HELL NO

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ok i am lvl 42 and here is my thing



1. The Class quest is fun


2. Marauder in PVE is nice i haveing fun


3. Marauder in PVP sucks you going to die alot in warzones

The skills in PVP sucks, you have 0 CC only the chocker thats it

and some small snare skills


Vs other class its a joke


4. I rerolled here is why i like to pvp and pve

but in pvp be sure you have a healer with you 24/7 and you die anyway



5. my Dmg in random Pug Warzone as Anni spec is 140.000



6. my level 12 assi in a random Pug Warzone as dps spec do 200.000+ and have steath



7. Do i play the last levels to 50 yes why of the class quest. and after that for pve yes

but but for PVP HELL NO


Okay this is just.. stupid.. The pvp part of Marauders is as most other melee classes.. You have to choose your fights..

not just charge into a group of 5 people and expect to crush them all and walk away


You can easily stick to a target if you use your skills to its fullest, and 1v1 against another class with both on 100% I rarely loose.. ever..

With vanish you can easily get away in critical moments, and the skill that sacrifices your health for 99% damage reduction is also a damn nice ability


With a healer you can really reak havoc..


And for you to say that you have 140k in a bg is just ********.. that thing varies just as much as the weather changes..

That goes for your next answer aswell.. I rarely see any assassins up so high, thats usually the sorc's


IF you are 42.. And have these claims on the class.. You should give up, because you're doing it WRONG!




This class is a bit of a challange at the start, but past 40 it really picks up.. And you get some abilities that really chamges your gameplay.. I love it so far.

Edited by Loopicks
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As far as leveling until at least 33 they are fine. Fights can be really close, but we have some good defense cooldowns. In pvp, the squishiness becomes excruciatingly obvious. Being blasted from an enemy above you, who just shot you off the ledge after you charged, and ripping you to shreds in a matter of seconds is frustrating.


But yea, pve they're fine.

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