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General Lore Continuity and Aesthetics


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I will not be expressing my personal opinion in this post (you can guess), but instead would like the community's opinion on a hypothetical situation (okay, maybe not so hypothetical):


You're brand new to the game, and you've started a new character on Tython. You're on your way through the Ruins of Kaleth to forge your first lightsaber when around the corner pops a body type 4 Sith Pureblood JK named "Mr'smügglezz-lül" in a bright pink-dyed Malgus armor set and wielding some offensively polychromatic CM lightsaber. This individual is also accompanied by his faithfully acoustic Party Jawa and is surrounded by an aura of sparking glitter. Before he summons his Cartel Decadent Skiff and whizzes by, he makes a point to toss a snowball at you.


...Your response? (Note thread topic)

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I wouldn't worry about it. Like STO, It is an MMO game that doesn't take it's franchise too seriously because of the stupid MMO mechanics. In this game, while the various classes have different stories and are supposed to do different jobs, they all end up doing the same thing...kill mobs/bosses and click objective things.


SWTOR and STO have about as much connection to their respective franchises as Taco Bell is to 'authentic Mexican cuisine'. Star Wars is a rich and in depth space opera depicting what ultimately drives us to good or evil, like wise Star Trek is deep multi faceted story that explores the human condition. Both franchises respective lores are waaay beyond the kill mob, click objective, grind, pew pew....MMO mechanics and MMO forumla


That being said both SWTOR and STO both are good platforms with lots of potential to become more than they are should their developers choose to be as daring and bold as the original franchise creators and storytellers. The good storytelling in KOTFE is a start.


My best advice is don't take it too seriously and enjoy it for what SWTOR is. My personal feeling is if SWTOR and STO are going to stick with the same tired MMO mechanics and not really take the 'heart' of their franchises seriously, i won't take their games seriously either. I'll happly run around various SW worlds wth my companion in our undies. I would laugh pretty hard if I could get Qyzen to run around in tacky tourist shorts and fanny pack. Likewise in STO, running around as a beerbellied Gorn wearing a Hawaiian shirt is amusing.


As long as there are open places where you can see what other players are doing, there will always be goofballs having fun. More power to em. When you get to the solo missions, you can choose to be as serious or goofy as you like.


Hey...can I trade in my character's ship for a Flying Winnebago?:D




Edited by AndorianTJ
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