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SWTOR Guide - What Crew Skill Makes What 4.0 (3 Tables) - SWTORCGR


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SWTOR Guide - What Crew Skill Makes What 4.0 (3 Tables) - SWTORCGR


Quickly reference what type of items each craft crew skill makes in alphabetical order in three separate tables.


Table 1: Alphabetical by Type

Type ~ Category ~ Craft Skill


Table 2: Alphabetical by Craft Skill

Craft Skill ~ Type ~ Category


Table 3: Alphabetical by Category

Category ~ Type ~ Craft Skill


Here is the link: Crew Skill - Which Crew Skill Makes What 4.0


This is part of SWTOR Community Guides and Resources - SWTORCGR


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Description item was changed to Type, Type was changed to Category. The original balling was creating some confusion so decided to change it.


Craft Component and Stronghold & Conquest specific items were removed I will make a separate table for those later


Thanks to margaryna at Reddit /r/swtor for pointing out the flaw in the old labeling system and pointing out how it could be confusing. Hope you folks like the new changes.

Edited by DorjeeVajra
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