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Getting Hoth in Here


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what guild are you in?

I know at least 3 guilds that went kacks up because tor got stupid so they went to go play Battlefront (losers) and Fallout 4.

BTW, did you ever extend a welcome to the guild to that recruit?

he/she probably thought you were a hypocrite unfriendly ****** for not welcoming them.

did you even bother to say you would try and assist them in any way you could?

people be surprised how far a "welcome to the guild" goes.

I know a lot of ex-guildies who didn't feel so wanted because some guildies were class 1 ******s to them.

Their payback: being on an asskicking conquest guild and beating the crap out of their non-friendly ex-guild to death in conquest, week in and week out. :p

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Thank you for focusing on a irrelevant aspect of my question.


To answer, I didn't act like a douche. Instead tried talking, welcoming, asking questions, offering help, shouting, yelling, belittling, insulting, condemning, promoting, mocking, and finally, pointedly ignoring. In that order.


But that's all non-material to my original question.


The post, and it's question therein, had to do with the desolate space that was previously a busy guild.




what guild are you in?

I know at least 3 guilds that went kacks up because tor got stupid so they went to go play Battlefront (losers) and Fallout 4.

BTW, did you ever extend a welcome to the guild to that recruit?

he/she probably thought you were a hypocrite unfriendly ****** for not welcoming them.

did you even bother to say you would try and assist them in any way you could?

people be surprised how far a "welcome to the guild" goes.

I know a lot of ex-guildies who didn't feel so wanted because some guildies were class 1 ******s to them.

Their payback: being on an asskicking conquest guild and beating the crap out of their non-friendly ex-guild to death in conquest, week in and week out. :p

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