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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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I don't believe it's my ISP.


I've confirmed with other players, who have been experiencing a tremendous amount of lag lately.


It's been the past couple of weeks and it has steadily worsened.


I have never seen lag this bad ever in my experience with SWTOR, since day 1 on about 4 servers.


What's going on? Did the server get downgraded?

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Ive been getting a damn lot of lag ever since KoTFE dropped. Ive been getting 3-5 minute loading screens, and before those loading screens, my game would freeze and the screen turns white for 3 minutes, then the loadin screen starts another 3-5m loading screens. I WPVP on Tatooine and that place is a *********** lag fest. Its so horrible. I know others who have the same issue too, and I know its not my PC, Ive wiped it clean and run scans everyday from Norton, no problems at all. Its *********** Swtor. The Developers act dumb and change the topic when I send in tickets too. :confused:
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  • 2 weeks later...

Same here. Thought it might just my computer that's a few years old, but now I'm not so sure. And I agree, after I the last patch came out. I think 4.0...4? It started to lag terribly. I was running high res, and even low and very low is slow... What's going on?


Use the force Harry. - Jean J. J. Gandalf

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Yeah I've been having the same issue. Just logged on now and as soon as I did my ms shot into the thousands. This issue has been going on close to a month now and I've received no support from Customer Service at all after posting numerous tickets. I love this game and I think it's awesome but I've considered cancelling my subscription until they get it sorted. I'm currently paying for something I can't even play. Like most I have never had any issues with the game up to this point and other players like ourselves aren't getting any answers.
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