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Legendary relics - NiM currency


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I've had this idea for some time, ever since they announced last year that 4.0 isn't bringing any new ops but only scaling up old ones. I was thinking how to incentivize players to do old content, especially progression teams and thought of something like this:



  • Legendary relic - Introduce a new currency that has a chance to drop of any NiM boss and introduce new vendor just for that currency. This currency needs to be BoL (like gree helix) since it's rare and it's required to have several in order to purchase anything from vendor and so it wouldn't be possible to sell or trade them.
  • Legendary relic vendor - The vendor would sell Legendary items such as armor pieces, MH and OH which would each cost few of these Legendary relics tokens.
  • Incentive - As many of you know, legendary items such as [Crest of the Dread Master] are not only rare, nice looking but also have no durability which means there's no repair cost for it. In addition, if these pieces would be BoL that would be great. Having full legendary armor set, MH and OH would remove any repair cost.



This might not be something to make players return, but it would be a nice incentive for those still here. The best thing about this is that it shouldn't be too much of an effort to implement and would work with any future content.

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Good idea, so save them any real work at all they could just put the kell dragon and dread master venders back into the game and just change the cost to the relics you have suggested, making them BoL would be awesome being able to have the kell dragon sniper jacket on my Gunslinger would be a dream come true.
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Yes, the idea behind being it BoL is not only to use it in combination with outfit designer, but also so that you can re-purpose the armor set (considering they will be hard to get by) in case you decide to change your main toon.
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