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<NERD RAGE> and You


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why you guys have to help cheesuary with their cheesey endless amounts of heals i dunno. not as if they need the help, especially when pvp is dying imp side. i don't get it. :\


We play both Imp and Pub sides. It's nice to switch it up, gear different toons, etc. :3

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Lol dont sweat him you guys. We're used to the cry babies. Tell Azz we still love him even when others involk his name for evil :p




Sorry, as resident Grammar Sergeant that's the closest I will and am allowed to get to joining the fray on this thread. Consider this correction symbolic retribution for some good matches that didn't go our way. :p


I rarely if ever use the forums, but thought I'd pop by and echo my fellow ACoy members in welcoming you to the server. I hope we can get events or something together with y'all, and I look forward to ranked season.

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Awww, im sorry queues have felt a little imbalanced lately. Just a reminder, we are willing to work with any guild like we have been with Sanctuary. Just contact one of us in game and let us know youre looking to run some groups and brush up on strats :) we have toons on both factions! Edited by Rooey
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Sheesh. We're unbalancing things if we play with Sanc, and unbalancing things if we play impside as Nerd Rage! There aren't that many of us, guys ;)


To echo Rooey/Nixx - we're more than happy to help ANY friendly guild, Pub or Impside with their PvP woes. We can give advice, run workshops, and generally just queue with peeps that want to run with us. You'll find that we're pretty approachable, just shoot me (Chasso/Zacharïah), Nixx or Cypher (various alt code variations) a whisper.


Unless you come at us with rage or passive aggressive whining. Then we can be *****. But otherwise we're cool. :p

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The Nerd Rage is real here. Well done living up to your name :)


Like my fellow First Sarge said, we're happy you guys are here and please continue to bring competition to us on both factions. Nevermind those who dislike your game play, just keep it positive and help those who need as you've been.


No one person speaks for everyone in the Pub side, if anything this is great promotion, none of these guys have used the forums before you came lol


#trending #nerdrage #theymad #ichallengeChassotoa1v1

Edited by Kingrami
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