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Lew Brell on Hutta, Quest removed?


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Hello all,


I recently re-subscribed and started playing after a long break. I decided to start off a BH for old times sake and noticed that I cannot obtain a quest from Lew Brell Anymore? I remember being able to talk to him before and him giving you a quest to rescue his little brother, does anyone know if this is a bug? or perhaps they removed the quest, which wouldn't make sense as to why? anyone that can shine some light with some info would be greatly appreciated.




Taurros Markeel

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Thank you so much! Also is the quest to become apart of the Revanites still available on DK? I was there on a character I previously played and could not see the NPC that gives you that quest, who I believe was an apprentice to Darth Charnis. I hope it wasn't removed so I can complete it with my new BH. once again TY for the response :)
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Thank you so much! Also is the quest to become apart of the Revanites still available on DK? I was there on a character I previously played and could not see the NPC that gives you that quest, who I believe was an apprentice to Darth Charnis. I hope it wasn't removed so I can complete it with my new BH. once again TY for the response :)


He has been moved, i guess the idea is that new players travel directly to the wall and miss the giver at the appropriate time. He is not standing just off the speeder at the wall area just before you go to Lord gratham.

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My pleasure, I was just as miffed as you when the same thing happened to me. :)


Why they felt the need to have that box unchecked, I don't know. Well, I guess I do know, people want to rush through everything these days.

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My pleasure, I was just as miffed as you when the same thing happened to me. :)


Why they felt the need to have that box unchecked, I don't know. Well, I guess I do know, people want to rush through everything these days.


Yeah I feel this should be "on" by default and manually turned off if you don't want it. With the amount of new/returning players they are not going to realise that but players who have played a while would.

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