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WTB Battleborn Armor


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I know this probably isn't the place to put this, but I'm trying to buy a Battleborn Armor Chestguard. and Hood/Helmet. I was able to find the greaves on the GTN but other than that I've had no luck. I don't have a ton of money (around 20K) but I really want this armor so that I can make my character look like an actual Jedi without all of those silly armor plates. I would like to get as much of the set as I can, but the Chestguard and the Hood/Helmet are all I really need.


Also, because I know people will suggest it, I have already tried getting the similar-looking Aftermarket Pummeler's MK-2 armor from Heroic Missions, and I obtained every piece in the set EXCEPT the Chestguard before I hit level 25 and could no longer get that armor from Heroics.


If you have the any of the pieces I need please reply here or message Gavotik in-game.


UPDATE: I'm doing a little better. I can now afford to spend 30-40k as opposed to 20k.

Edited by CatfishBob
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