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Bronze/Silver/Gold (BSG) Packs Returning for a Limited Time


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I agree, they should NEVER change their minds - They should stick with things like companions nerf's and never listen to the players to see what they think. :rolleyes:


Had it been a year, people wouldn't mind so much.


The speed at which Bioware flip-flops is nuts. The implication is that they really don't know what they are doing, they are just guessing and blowing with the wind.


Of course over time things change, but this is also the sort of change that might come with 2 or 3 months of prior announcement, as in:


"For the past year, we've had the BSG packs on the CM all the time. Starting in 90 days, we're going to make a change to this and have them up for 1 week a month, in between new pack releases. We'll have them up for a week, then take them down and have the new packs up for 3 weeks, then bring back the BSG packs for a week, before a new pack."


No one in their right mind would have an issue with such a forward looking announcement after a year of the prior system. Instead we have complete flip-flops after 2 months, with no notice whatsoever. The BSG packs just vanished overnight without notice.


It is horribly unprofessional.

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The B/S/G packs are MUCH better than the utter junk that is the general cartel packs. I easily spent more money on them than the cartel packs and, y'know what? I didn't mind! Because I got DECENT STUFF from the BSGs, rather than borderline useless junk. I got a bunch of armour sets I was happy with and some cool weapons with spare CCs. I even hit my first million (and then some) credits with a full armour set I already had in my collection.


Saying that BSGs would be available permanently and then reneging on that is utter bull. Boo to you, I say. BOOO! :mad:

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Just like to add a slightly more thought-y, wordy post rather than the initial expression of disgust at this apparent face-heel turn.


Having only ONE set of hypercrates available on the CM at one time makes the market horrifically stagnant. There are so many good item sets locked away behind the real-money paywall as it is, that further penalising players by making such items super rare in-game in total, rather than just something they have to either pay money or the GTN for, is a really short-sighted move that kind of sucks for everyone.


As stated, a lot of players (myself included) that don't want to 'waste' money on the standard Hypercrates are much happier putting money on the BSG packs because you actually feel like you get something of worth out of them. Full armour sets are much more satisfying than opening five packs and getting one part, two parts and then three duplicates.


As it is, the only way to build up your collection is now being time gated as well as money-gated, and that's just a really crummy way of doing things. It makes no sense on an in-game economic level (stagnation and stupid-high inflation) and no sense from a real money level; do you not WANT us to spend money? I know I won't be spending money if I can't buy what I WANT to buy. I'll just be saving my monthly stipend for whenever the decent crates are un-embargoed, and then spending those...effectively cutting potential profit severely.


Tell the marketing team to dig their heads out of their collective rear ends and make these permanent, AS WAS ORIGINALLY STATED.

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Tell the marketing team to dig their heads out of their collective rear ends and make these permanent, AS WAS ORIGINALLY STATED.


Sarcastic Retort: Yeah, it would be great if they never changed their minds. That way, when people complain about things they can just ignore them. Anything you don't agree with, tough (I'm looking at you, Anti-nerfers :p ).

So, starting now and going forward, they shouldn't change their minds about only having limited selling periods for the B/S/G Packs.


Opinion: I like having rare items, it gives me something to strive for, to try and get, and keeps the value up for reselling on the GTN. It would cheapen the game if everyone had every armour.


(Decided to start doing my posts HK style, hopefully it leads to less misunderstandings)

Edited by CrazyCT
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Opinion: I like having rare items, it gives me something to strive for, to try and get, and keeps the value up for reselling on the GTN. It would cheapen the game if everyone had every armour.


(Decided to start doing my posts HK style, hopefully it leads to less misunderstandings)


I love the straw-men arguments of them never changing anything. I never said that. But, given how the BSG packs are the ONLY way now to provide a supply of non-current armour sets, weapons etc. to the GTN, removing the ONLY source of older items is a really stupid idea, creates hyperinflation of prices and is generally **** for newer or returning players. Ergo.


As for rarity, I might buy that argument if there were actually more 'common' and 'uncommon' drops than there were 'rare' ones. As is, however, the rare numbers seem to actually outnumber the others, something that was also noticeable in other games that EA get their sticky fingers in (looking at YOU, Mass Effect 3 multiplayer packs. So many Rare and Ultra Rare drops to try and get that it was utterly stupid)

Given so many of the good looking armours and weapons are not making it into playable content and are instead being placed in the cash shop, the very least they could do is make it so that people can have a reasonable shot at getting something worthwhile for their money i.e. a whole armour set, rather than the random ****shoot that is the hypercrate packs.


Or, y'know, put in some sort of alternate way to get older armour sets and weapons, but hey-oh, I realise there's making a point and then asking for a miracle :rolleyes:

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I'd be satisfied if the BSG packs returned once a month or even once a quarter. Once or twice a year is simply not enough. When I have spare money to spend, I want to open the Cartel market and find things I'd like to spend it on.


I completely agree with everyone who commented that having only one type of pack available at a time is very frustrating. It makes me considerably less likely to buy Cartel Coins.

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I love the straw-men arguments of them never changing anything. I never said that. But, given how the BSG packs are the ONLY way now to provide a supply of non-current armour sets, weapons etc. to the GTN, removing the ONLY source of older items is a really stupid idea, creates hyperinflation of prices and is generally **** for newer or returning players. Ergo.


How is that any different to the past? Depending on the schedule of how often these come back then if anything this gives you more opportunity to bring in more of the older armours etc. than we had say last year and didn't have these packs.

Basically how often over the past 3 years were they bringing back cartel packs that had the armour etc. in them that allowed you to get these items?

Add to that you then had to have the luck of getting a rare item from a regular pack ( where as now you can pick the type of pack be it armour or mount etc. and the rarity you want to aim for gold/silver etc. ) and you begin to see if these packs were to come back say 4 times a year and we end up in a much better situation for embargoed goods than we ever have in the past with still retaining good rarity and prices on really rare goods.



As for rarity, I might buy that argument if there were actually more 'common' and 'uncommon' drops than there were 'rare' ones. As is, however, the rare numbers seem to actually outnumber the others, something that was also noticeable in other games that EA get their sticky fingers in (looking at YOU, Mass Effect 3 multiplayer packs. So many Rare and Ultra Rare drops to try and get that it was utterly stupid)

Given so many of the good looking armours and weapons are not making it into playable content and are instead being placed in the cash shop, the very least they could do is make it so that people can have a reasonable shot at getting something worthwhile for their money i.e. a whole armour set, rather than the random ****shoot that is the hypercrate packs.


I don't buy there is more rare items than non rare. Have you anything to back that up?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hope they would come back on this or respond on this by now.

I know i know... what was i thinking.


Well if your goal was to make more money this way i for one and many others wont help.

Ill consider buying them if they are back for 2+ weeks. ( or any other packs for that matter )

Also dont really need the sub im running id like to support, seems like you dont like supporters tho...

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