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Spear of Midnight Black is recruiting


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Hello there


We are a medium, but a fast growing empire bases guild, originated from 'The Bastion'. Looking for active players for the end game content.


Objectives: we do pvp/pve/conquest. There is no specific focus, but

- pvp: having fun with sometimes under-geared invoice teams (full stack: tank/heal/2DD's). Probably will have a few ranked teams for an upcoming season.

- pve: (almost have one full 8 man progression, looking to make 2) cleared all the sm ops content on 4.0, gearing 220's at HM EV, KP (running with one tank at the time to save tanks). Also have done some other HM bosses within different pre-55 and 60 ops.

- conquest: half of the guild lifetime we are on the leaderboard, same goes for this week. We are not taking first places yet, but thats the goal :rak_01:


When do we run? Lots of members are mature gentlebeings, therefore we raid and having fun mainly after 6:00 pm server time on the weekdays.


What do we have to offer: of course 10xp/rep, fully utilized flagship, few guild banks filled with a bunch of stuff, which might help you to lvl up or gear for SM ops. We haven't decided which voice chat is the best, so we are jumping around. Currently in Discord, but have mumble and vent. If you have desire to run Ops but have never done so we will teach you and gear you, if you will show some desire and commitment.


Whom are we looking for People who know the definition for the word "Courtesy" in the first place. There is no censure on anything, but we value relationship and communication. (Raid bails, ignores, untruthfulness will not be tolerated). :rak_03: Also we look mainly, but not exclusively, for people above lvl 50, who know what "wings of architect" are and how badly they want them.


How to find us: Use the "who" tab for the guild name in the game, or leave a comment in here and we will pm you or something :p

Edited by Ternary
forgot to mention that we are empire based
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Hey Ternary, you guys seem like the kind of guild I've been looking for! I'm still new to the game but managed to lvl 2 characters to 65 in the last few days, I'm still trying to get the hang of end game content but I'm getting there, so if you guys don't mind a newbie who's still learning the ropes I'd love to join you guys. You can pm or mail me on Thedryc Valomere my main on imp side, thanks.
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