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Unable to receive "The ????" Legacy" legacy title


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As stated above, I do not even have the option of selecting the legacy title "The ???? Legacy" although I am able to display my character name as Bob ???? (surname). In fact I have no legacy titles available at all currently (just a blank list).


As I recall, this form of legacy title was available as soon as you choose your legacy name (should be at level 10 and before that, after the end of Act 1?), however, I have leveled a character to the end of act 1 and definitely past level 10 but this title is still not available to me.


I don't know if it's relevant, but this is a legacy name that I established AFTER 4.0. Also it was established on one of those free lvl 60s (I'm not sure if that would somehow have made it skip getting that title, but since I was able to display my legacy name as a surname, I assume this is unintentional?)


All of my other legacies on other servers are able to show "The ???? Legacy" title but were created prior to 4.0


Has anyone else had this problem before vs. after 4.0, and possibly when choosing the legacy name for the first time from an auto-60 character?

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Are you at least Legacy Level 6 on the new server? That's when you get to choose your Legacy name. Your actual level doesn't factor in, aside from the percentage of XP you'd gain from missions. I believe it's 10% of your base XP goes towards Legacy XP. If you don't get XP, meaning you're level capped, you'd still get 10% of what you would normally get for XP even though mission rewards don't show an XP amount.


Disclaimer: It's been a long time since I've gotten any Legacy XP (I'm LL50 on the 2 servers I play on) and have been for quite some time, and I'm going from memory (which may be faulty).

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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Appreciate the feedback, but I'm confused by your wording. You don't mean you get to choose your actual legacy name (e.g. Skywalker) until legacy level 6, right? If you are saying you don't get this specific title "The Skywalker Legacy" until legacy level 6, that's the first I've heard of that specific unlock. iirc I always could select "The ???? Legacy" title whenever I chose my legacy surname, I assumed that this was because it's one of two ways of showing your legacy name. Maybe I'm misremembering, but as you say it's been a while since you had to level your legacy.
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Appreciate the feedback, but I'm confused by your wording. You don't mean you get to choose your actual legacy name (e.g. Skywalker) until legacy level 6, right? If you are saying you don't get this specific title "The Skywalker Legacy" until legacy level 6, that's the first I've heard of that specific unlock. iirc I always could select "The ???? Legacy" title whenever I chose my legacy surname, I assumed that this was because it's one of two ways of showing your legacy name. Maybe I'm misremembering, but as you say it's been a while since you had to level your legacy.


They are saying you have to be legacy level 6 to choose your legacy name, and as such, get the <The _____ Legacy> title, since you can't have that til you name your legacy.


I am curious if there is a misunderstanding going on somewhere though. You did "name" your legacy, correct? You were prompted for a name for a legacy? (You mentioned surname). I have not made a new legacy since 4.0, so I cannot confirm any issues you might be having, but it definitely sounds like there might be an issue since its an insta-60 that created the legacy.

Edited by JWagner
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To your second half, yes that's what I'm thinking as well.


To your first half, I'm still not getting it, how can you even start leveling your legacy (much less get to level 6) without already choosing a name. In my experience, I did not start getting legacy experience until I opened my legacy (which includes choosing the name) at character level 10. I certainly wasn't at legacy level 6 when I first chose my name/surname = Skywalker for example. I thought (but may be mistaken) that I also got the title "The ???? Legacy" at the same time--again, character level 10. And yes I have chosen a name already on the legacy which I'm having a problem with.

Edited by hanhou
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To your second half, yes that's what I'm thinking as well.


To your first half, I'm still not getting it, how can you even start leveling your legacy (much less get to level 6) without already choosing a name. In my experience, I did not start getting legacy experience until I opened my legacy (which includes choosing the name) at character level 10. I certainly wasn't at legacy level 6 when I first chose my name/surname = Skywalker for example. I thought (but may be mistaken) that I also got the title "The ???? Legacy" at the same time--again, character level 10. And yes I have chosen a name already on the legacy which I'm having a problem with.


I believe you are correct in that it is based on level/story. Which is why I am wondering if the reason you are not seeing it on insta-60 is you technically never completed the story, and are having the same issue you would on class-related titles like lord/darth/etc not appearing cause you never did the story.

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That's what I was afraid of. And I totally understand/accept not getting those other story-related titles (e.g. Darth, etc., which I think are character-bound titles anyway and not legacy titles i.e. shared across characters) because--correct me if I'm wrong--if I leveled a different character from level 1 and completed their story, I would still be able to obtain it, but this one seems like an unintentional consequence, especially since, even on your character selection page, it shows up in the format "The ???? Legacy". Main point being, if you cannot have a character title based in the original class chain on an insta-60 that's understandable, but legacy titles should still unlock for everyone once you earn it the usual way on another character. (And if this was intentional, I would like to know at least)


What I'm racking my brain over now is whether there is any work around if they don't have a solution of their own. I completely don't mind re-leveling my characters, starting from scratch, etc. but from what I can do from my end, since the legacy name sticks even if you delete all of your characters, I'm not sure what options I have. I don't even know if (not giving them any ideas I hope -__-) purchasing a legacy name reset would do the trick if I "doomed" the coding or whatever of my legacy by activating it through this lvl 60.


At the least, I hope this warns other players for now (I concede that this is probably a rare circumstance) do NOT activate your legacy name through a lvl 60 token; activate it the "normal" way (character at lvl 10/off starting planet/whatever) if you want "The ???? Legacy" title.

Edited by hanhou
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Only suggestion I have, aside from waiting for a potential ticket reply, is to try to level an alt up to the threshold, and see if it activates the title. My insta-60 got the title (if I recall), but it was an existing legacy. I'm wondering if you level up a character high enough if it may or may not unlock it. Does your new alt get the title while your insta-60 does not? Once your new character gets it, check and see if you have it on your insta-60.


Otherwise, all I can suggest is this post, maybe a ticket, and pray it gets fixed... It does seem likely the story mission is the cause, but there should be a way around it. Otherwise, you'll never get that title, ever. :mad:

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Just tried your suggestion, unfortunately it didn't work...will wait for the customer support then. There is no known way to actually clear the legacy right?


Oh I just thought of something if really desparate lol...if I level a legacy up with the same name on a different server and do it the normal way including getting the title we're talking about and the legacy level is higher than my current bugged legacy on this server, when I try to transfer a character over with the higher legacy level there will be a mandatory sync right? and this will possibly overwrite the problem?

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