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I dearly want Vette to join my Alliance


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Its very cool now that we have an option to recruit companions from other classes too, although BW offers us those I consider less attractive - scorekeeper loving lizard guy, some R2-D2 like robot, imperial nerdy Indiana Jones, Bloodthirsty khaleesh frenzy killer, that really allien-y former trooper tracker, and two of the new class comps I prefer the most- SCORPIO and that "steel voice of rep. propaganda" 4X - they are kinda cool.


I must confess I did not know we players could receive such brilliant chance to roam the galaxy with favourite toon and AT THE SAME TIME your favourite companion and I am very happy about it, so there is your chance to even enhance my happiness to greatness unthinkable:


Give us Vette. When I first laid eyes on that adorable cute lil twilek caged in dusty cage in Korriban, I fell in love with her that very moment, and I played SW mainly because of her company and vitty conversations. Unfortunately, sith warrior isnt really my thing, therefore I am mainly playing twilek female smuggler.


Just imagine - two hot & deadly twilek lethal ladies, exploring galaxy together on daring adventures by day, and engaging in steamy wild love making by night (oh yes I want her as a lesbian romance, sorry Lana, you have been great, but Vette is incomparable)


Bring back Vette for everyone. Or at least for me. :D She is the best companion in SWTOR for me, let her stand side by side to my gunslinger, I will be happy beyond words!

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imperial nerdy Indiana Jones


LESS ATTRACTIVE? Are you mocking Talos? This means war. Talos is magnificent and his only flaw is that he takes my courting gifts but won't let me love him. His only true love is science because he is the most splendid and precious. :mad:



Nah, but seriously, they'll get to the whole gang eventually. No designated waifus have shown up. It looks like most characters will join Alliances on both sides -- granted, Pierce and 4X are fussy and a certain grouchy soldier doesn't want to tag along, but I doubt any of the favorites will be so partisan.


I KIND of doubt they'll let us do too many new-mances with them, though, especially meddling with the way they swing. Which means that I'll probably never get to hit on Quinn on my huge Jedi dude just 'cause. (And cause whatever else you think of Quinn, you have to admit he's a hottie.)

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Its very cool now that we have an option to recruit companions from other classes too, although BW offers us those I consider less attractive - scorekeeper loving lizard guy, some R2-D2 like robot, imperial nerdy Indiana Jones, Bloodthirsty khaleesh frenzy killer, that really allien-y former trooper tracker, and two of the new class comps I prefer the most- SCORPIO and that "steel voice of rep. propaganda" 4X - they are kinda cool.




Bring back Vette for everyone. Or at least for me. :D She is the best companion in SWTOR for me, let her stand side by side to my gunslinger, I will be happy beyond words!

Play a trooper, at least as far as finishing Chapter Three, so you can see the true magnificence of M1-4X's companion story! (Gunnery Commando is a straightforward discipline to play, with monstrous burst damage, although parts of the rotation are gimped until level 40 because there's an important proc missing until then. At least post-Discipline the rotation is deterministic - the proc in question used to be added in stages where it happened or not on the RNG. That sucked.)


Vette will probably be back soon. Not in Feb - the December livestream said that the next companions to return will be Kaliyo and Bowdaar.

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Well I played all classes, so I know that robo-goebbels from trooper squad, but I have the time to play only one character properly, so I chose smuggler.

I have diplomacy and even now I am saving gifts for Vette, hoping she will one day join my team and I will lavish her with presents and undying love.... :p

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Well I played all classes, so I know that robo-goebbels from trooper squad, but I have the time to play only one character properly, so I chose smuggler.

I have diplomacy and even now I am saving gifts for Vette, hoping she will one day join my team and I will lavish her with presents and undying love.... :p


Lol I have 2 warrior , and I'm playing only females . I make ya a deal ! I give ya the 2 Vette and you give me Akaavi ! she would be awesome on my BH! :D

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