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Start KotFE, all abilities vanished


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So, I went to start KotFE on my character I've had since launch. Get through the opening cinematic and cutscene, everything's all shiny, and control is returned to me. I immediately get the annoying little 'tutorial available' popup. I click to dismiss it... and almost all my abilities vanish.


My ability bars are suddenly empty, nothing shows up in the Abilities panel, and bringing up the holo-Hutt shows I have nothing available to learn. This is not going to make playing a very easy task!


Has anyone else had this happen to them? I've already put in a CS ticket, but I'm curious if I'm uniquely broken, or if this is a more common issue... :)

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So, for the record, while initially bouncing back to my home did not restore them (hence my worry), and trying to advance the quest did nothing, after I quit entirely and logged back in, several abilities did immediately come back while in the instance, and the rest did appear when in my home. After that, advancement worked properly.


So apparently *something* was stuck that got unstuck after relogging!

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