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Nonconsensual Romance Bug


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Hopefully, everyone is aware of the forgotten romances bug occurring with the release of 4.0 that Bioware has yet to acknowledge. There seems to be some error happening where the romance flag for certain companions is getting toggled off despite previous romance and even marriage. Unfortunately, the bug seems to mean that the romance flag is also being toggled on despite lack of previous romance.


I've had two separate characters now who suddenly got the romance-version of a companion storyline despite having never flirted with those companions. My Sith Inquisitor had Andronikos suddenly waxing poetic about their relationship and proposing, despite never having romanced him; at this point, all the conversation options were identical to a different Inquisitor I HAD romanced him on.


It gets even creepier with my Consular, who seems to have had the same thing happen with Tharan Cedrax, because despite never having flirted with him, the questline suddenly picked up in the romance version... specifically, with Cedrax telling my consular that unfortunately, their "liaison" must come to an end, and my only options in that dialogue tree address him as though the relationship has been going on.


What the hell? :confused:


Broken marriages are bad enough, guys, but turning our companions into rapists is a whole other can of beans.


I'll admit I'm relying on research and youtube playthroughs for the bug with Tharan, because I haven't played a consular of either gender before. But the bug with Andronikos I experienced firsthand, and the fact that there's no option to deny a relationship or ask what the hell Cedrax is talking about makes me really doubt that I'm supposed to be getting this dialogue. I would appreciate any feedback from people who have leveled consular.


Are there any other companions you guys have suddenly found yourself in a romance with, despite never having flirted with them?

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I have a male warrior who never once flirted with Jaesa, but they were apparently married when I began KotFE with him. I also have a male agent who again never flirted with any crew, yet was married to Temple in KotFE.


On a female char, she romanced Torian, yet received no proposal (bugs in game skipped many convos). She received all the romantic letters from him to signify they were married, yet in KotFE, their relationship was as if it never happened.


As many players enjoy the interactions with crew as a major part of their gameplay, I agree that this needs to be adressed ASAP.

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This bug has definitely been around sine pre 4.0, my Consular had exactly the same problem with Theran, and despite telling Doc to get spaced repeatedly, my Knight still got romance letters from him at the end of the class story, thankfully the bug hit during KotFE and they appear to have fixed it by mistake.


Risha did something similar with my smuggler who romanced Akavi, but it didn't come off as quite so unsettling.


It's not so much the bugs or how horribly creepy it can make your play through - it's the silence from BioWare that's the most frustrating, especially with all this supposed focus on story. For now my sub expires next week and I'm leaving it lapsed until they start some serious bug fixing. :(

Edited by Furtled
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