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Remote slicing??!


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Whichever dev made this component should be taken to the back of the studio and smacked senseless. This ability is both stupid and lazy. it takes a bad component choice (emp field) and gives it the classic strike fighter treatment to make it extra awful. let us break it down shall we?



remote slicing

- 12 second duration, 40 second cooldown

- turns off systems ability --> might be good to turn off TEETEE on scouts or to turn off mines on bombers and to piss off gunships from switching weapons. but overall this is crap.

- drains some tiny fraction of shields ---> crap.

- rob ur enemy of 20 engines --> mostly crap

- turns off SHIELDS --> not terrible! this can be good at turning off the bombers deflection armor but even better for turning off distortion field so those scouts can now die to seeker mines cluster mines and good ole blaster fire :)


emp field

-18 second duration, 45 sec cool down

- turns off systems ability --> might be good to turn off TEETEE on scouts or to turn off mines on bombers and to piss off gunships from switching weapons. but overall this is crap.

- reduces enemy accuracy by 20 seconds ---> good! this is similar to the supressing copilot ability? you know the pink annoying one :)

- turns off SHIELDS --> not terrible! this can be good at turning off the bombers deflection armor but even better for turning off distortion field so those scouts can now die to seeker mines cluster mines and good ole blaster fire :)

- missile BREAK and blocker for 3 seconds --> not a bad bonus! this is not too bad if you are helping allies with it too. if you hang around B satellite you can actually save a life or 2.




some pilots think that emp field and remote slacking are good when combined with a missile or sabotage probe. if you are picking a systems ability so that you can do an elaborate scheme to land 1 or 2 missiles per game on a dumb *** that doesnt manage his missile breaks then let me please direct you to fly the PIKE also known as a QUAIL with our dark side friends.


if you are going to use one of these crap abilities please realize that the biggest thing is that you are disabling distortion field which lets you KILL stuff easy with wingman and blasters. don't use missile dummy


secondly, emp field is better because you can disable distortion field BUT you can also use "suppression" on the scout or gunships.


in conclusion - the "team" behind GSF saw that the clarion needed 2 other choices than repair drones as a system ability. don't get too mad they wanted it to feel like a choice? so what they do? they took TEETEE and made it 60 seconds and crappier and called it kombat kommand. then they took emp field gave it a new sprite icon, a cool green special effect that looks like a microwave, and some BS about draining shields and called it remote slicing. don't pick it. and don't feel too bad because the spear point got combat command too. but they didn't even try to give it another new choice they just gave it TEETEE and some sensor beacon thing.

Edited by Krixarcs
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