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Concentration Sentinel: PvP Stat Help Please!


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Hi Guys,


I've recently come back to the game and have been farming pvp gear like a mad man. The goal was to min/max once I had most of my pieces. I feel I'm getting close to optimal stats, but need some tweaks to really get there.


Here are my current stats:


Accuracy 108.46%, Critical 37.87%, Critical Multiplier 78.42%, Alacrity 5.76%, Health 70472.


Mastery 4459

End 5428

Power 2368

Critical 1333

Alacrity 511

Accuracy 548

Expertise 2018


(all crit augs except for 2 alacrity augs)


I feel like my accuracy is a bit high. Can you guy help me out and suggest the perfect stats for my class?


Also - What relics are you using for pvp?


Thank you!

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Accuracy is indeed way too high.

Typical goals are

~1300 Crit

~400 alacrity

~150 accuracy

rest into power (should be around 2900-3000 power total)


Serendipitous assault and focused retribution (power and mastery).

crit relic doesnt add that much stats and with 1300 base crit already, you are pretty deep along the diminishing returns portion of the crit rating curve. You wont gain that much from the crit relic.

Edited by AchillesStark
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Accuracy is indeed way too high.

Typical goals are

~1300 Crit

~400 alacrity

~150 accuracy

rest into power (should be around 2900-3000 power total)


Serendipitous assault and focused retribution (power and mastery).

crit relic doesnt add that much stats and with 1300 base crit already, you are pretty deep along the diminishing returns portion of the crit rating curve. You wont gain that much from the crit relic.


Thank you!


So, looks like I've hit the Crit, alacrity mark. If I've gone above the marks like i did in Alacrity, should I switch out one of the augments? So far, I have full crit augs with 2 alacrity.


Would you also be able to recommend a website that allowed me to theory craft so I don't have to spend millions of creds adjusting my stats?

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Personally, I go with this:

- Zero Alacrity

- 105% Accuracy

- About 1300 Crit (6-7 crit augs)

- Rest Power (7-8 power augs)


I think that alacrity is a waste for Concentration in pvp. Some advocate for no accuracy at all (meaning you end up at 101% with the 1% companion bonus). I haven't had a chance to try that. Regarding crit, yes crit is awesome in 4.0, but there are diminishing returns. You don't want that many crit augments IMO.


EDIT: There aren't any websites like that as far as I am aware. You'll have to decide on a stat budget and do the math to figure out how many augments you'll need.


The most extensive theory crafting that has been done was made with pve in mind. But that's the best that we've got.

Edited by teclado
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