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Just thrown 30$ out of window for that bugged game (sub)


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Yesterday, I thought im gonna return to SWTOR after some years (yea, the new movie helped in that a lot), I read a lot of articles etc, was eager to see whats new (strongholds, story etc..)..

So I renewed my sub for 2 months and then, after few hours, big disapointment came..

How the hell can this game be so buggy even 4-5 years from release?

When unfinished download, I should be able to play home planets..Well, I started juggernaut, got to quest, where you have to beat your main rival, but the cutscene stuck.. Ok I said, ill wait till game finish downloading..


In meantime, I was running through the game on other char - i had low graphic setting on, and the game screen keept flickering as I was moving outside of roads (on rocks etc..) it was pain for my eyes - the better graphic setting helped that, but still.. How can this be a finished game?


And the last nail in coffin for game I hit just now.. Its almost the same like first one, except that, the game finished downloading and I play the new chapter V From the Grave - I got to the part where you kill some captain and have to talk to lana, again, cutscene starts and then stucks.. (exactly at same point as this guy shows in the video)



I am really upset I put my money on something like this (I could withstand if there was some minor bugs, like you cannot complete side quests or buy some items etc.. but bugged major content???).


Going back to GW2 - they dont charge monthly fees and still they did better job in tuning the game and removing bugs than you guys, while taking our moneys for it

Edited by Zaily
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I gather you have a Intel Video Card ?


Most issues you describe seem to be confined to Intel cards hence I am asking


This is best posted here there is no help in the bug report section normally.


A dxdiag would be handy to know the hardware/drivers being used

Edited by OwenBrooks
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How the hell can this game be so buggy even 4-5 years from release?


Well to be fair the old (pre 4.0) 1-50 levelling experience was gutted almost completely for change in levelling 1-50, quests re-labelled, pretty much all new items in game etc.. so it would be more fair to think of it a a new game.


Bioware's biggest fault was releasing the new 1-50 levelling experience without the proper testing it needed, too much was changed for it to be just another patch/expansion it needed full testing pre release a proper beta test and treated almost like a new game. It wasn't and bioware are having to suffer the consequences of that decision.


Now this game is certainly not perfect, far from it in fact but once they eventually work out these bugs the 1-50 levelling is the best it has ever been in my opinion.

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well, thats nice, and I would forgive them all this, if they were some beggining company and the game cost a few bucks..


But i payed to play through the content and I cannot.. It took me like 3 hours to get to bugged jug quest (and now im supposed to start another class or something, when I want to play juggernaut?) - then I spent about 2 hours trying to find any possible solution, nothing discribed on any forum helped me (graphic setting, deleting chached files etc..).


Then the same thing happen on other character in high lvl story.. Im done with that game, keep the money, ill never come back again.. I better pay some early access steam game for the same experience if I want to (and still there will be better customer care from the developer than here..)


Im sorry im beying that negative, but thats my experience, you might be fine with your characters, if you already got past the bugged content and are enjoying the other parts of the game that work well, but I hadnt chance to get there..

Edited by Zaily
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If you want some help happy to help but you will need to post here


If there is a generic issue for cinematics being stuck then it is worth investigating further to flag with the studio, I am not aware of any generic issue, I am aware of a lot of video driver issues across the board at present.


Intel - have a lot of known issues scroll here to see current ones just fixed and still outstanding from the latest beta driver, includes corruption and crashes.


AMD Crimson drivers latest has AA issues and needs to be set to medium or a prior driver to resolve


Nvidia for example have major issues with notebook drivers at present mainly for 860M , example here


Bottom line I guess is with no idea what your system is or its drivers then no one can say what the cause is.


I know I have no issues playing any cinematic on ultra settings @2560x 1440 resolution, why you have issues I cant say and cant offer any solution/reason with nothing to go on.

Edited by OwenBrooks
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Thank you for trying to help, but im not going to investigate the problems while all other games (10 others, some older, some newer then SWTOR) run just fine without problem.


It is something the game designer should fix, that his game supports wide area of hw, not that gamers have to search the web for the way to play game they paid for :/

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Thank you for trying to help, but im not going to investigate the problems while all other games (10 others, some older, some newer then SWTOR) run just fine without problem.


It is something the game designer should fix, that his game supports wide area of hw, not that gamers have to search the web for the way to play game they paid for :/


Pretty arrogant attitude. That's like going to a doctor and saying "Fix my ailment."

Doc says "What's the problem?"

And you reply "You're the doctor. You figure it out."


If you really wanted help, or even sympathy, for your problems, then you would at least help with the diagnosis of the issue, other than giving vague complaints.

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