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Graphical Strangeness


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After the last patch, I've noticed several graphical elements either fail to display or display incorrectly. So far I've catalogued a few Agent abilities that have no display (ambush, follow through, penetrating blasts partially displays), galaxy maps like those in ship before activation and generated by the stronghold anniversary item partially display, starfields and environmental effects on the character selection screen are absent, most recently I've discovered the nebula around Odessen and the planet itself displays through ship elements (kind of a neat effect actually, but not something that's supposed to happen).


This looks like it was mentioned in the GPU thread but is definitely a separate issue. This isn't game breaking, its not causing any crashes, its just a strangeness. I've attempted to repair my client but low and behold, the repair function is never available for selection. As was pointed out in the GPU thread, reducing anti-aliasing to medium seems to be a work around.

Edited by TabrisAzrael
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