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Question to developers: is it planned to create Russian servers in the game?


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There are obvious advantages of creation of Russian servers:

1) all Russian players will want to move their characters to other servers

2) it is a lot of new customers / subscribers, because many do not play from-for absence of the Russian translation and voice acting

3) coming soon the film "Star wars: the force Awakening", which will push the games about star wars.

I understand that high-quality translation of all content is not easy and not cheap, but I think that your work will pay off. I think about it. Thank you for your attention. I hope the message comes up to you.

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There is talk of server consolidation. This game launched with too many servers and then had to do multiple rounds of server mergers. The game is now more or less in maintenance mode, and Bioware has enough issues with having to triage content creation due to limited budget as it is. There's no way Bioware's going to open new servers, let alone go through the expense of translating the game into a language that was not supported at launch.
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