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Lose everything you worked for due to server rollback?


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Oh, thank's for the server roll back.. Thank's for not being able to do anything about the millions of cred's, mount's, and rep I grinded, that is so awesome!. Yeah I 100% understand that MAJOR ERROR'S still happen in a 4 yearold MMO that is very well managed, but hey I am a forgiving kind of guy.. Say, Bioware next month when my bank account roll's back and you can't get the money for my sub... That's totes forgiveable right??? I mean there's nothing I can do to compensate for the 15 little dollar's that really couldnt possibly make a difference anyways... That's alright you will be ok with that and let me stay a subber right???
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OK, so you screwed something up (number 1 rule in IT is never work on a live environment) and I got rolled back. I lost 4 levels and a couple hours worth of playtime/loot/GTN auction/Item crafting/companion influence, etc etc and now today half of the stuff I post on the GTN doesn't come up when searching GTN. Why would I trust you to play on this server again (or this game)? Why would I re-sub in a game I can't trust? There is no real information coming from SWToR about what happened, what is being done about it to make sure it doesn't happen again or what you are going to do to make up for this HUGE screw-up. Give us some info on what is happening. This is a terrible way to run a game/customer service/ company.
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Bioware please Listen to your fan's, We need change none of us want this game to fail, however lately it doesnt seem like we are being listened to at all. The sheer lack of customer service is a shame, it's so sad that I can contact a GM of another mmo that I dont even sub to in 5 minutes and have my issues addressed yet here in SWTOR it takes me 2 weeks to get an automated response telling me I need to contact a different department. You have in your hand's one of the most important thing's in a lot of our lives and that is Star Wars... I would think a little care would be taken to such a large and faithful fanbase. I feel as if I speak for a lot of people when I say that we do care and we will remain hopeful that the future of SWTOR will get better and better.
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I love the fact that this rollback didnt get me and others at all but, You all act like you did so much and worked so HARD!!! PITY PARTY get over it. It happens, it sucks, oh well Edited by CommunityDroidEU
Rude part removed
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