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Is This a Deliberate Change or a Bug? (Missing SecX 'Breadcrumb' Mission)


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General Conlath, the Republic quest-giver to send players to Section X the first time, appears to have been removed from the game. I've also seen similar posts about other 'breadcrumb' missions, such as the ones to Black Hole, being absent (including from players who have confirmed they have "Show Exploration Missions" toggled on).


KotFE included a lot of 'streamlining' in the 1-60 leveling content, including the new classifications for "Critical Path" vs "Exploration" missions, moving around some of the Ops one-time missions so that they are near the entrances for those Operations, allowing you to toggle off the Exploration Missions, etc. So, I am wondering if the absence of Conlath is a deliberate part of that streamlining effort (which makes no sense to me, since his mission could just have been made an "Exploration" mission to avoid unwanted clutter) or if it was a bug where perhaps the plan was to move him but he was removed by mistake instead.


This is not an issue of having "Show Exploration Missions" toggled off - even with those toggled on, Conlath is nowhere to be found. (One of the reasons I made a separate post is that some of the other threads about missing quests got sidetracked when people just weren't seeing other missions because of the toggle.)


I know some people couldn't care less about breadcrumb missions, but I find them an enjoyable part of the overall questing experience and the game's narrative. I hope this is just a bug, especially since simply having these missions be toggle-able "Exploration" Missions would provide all the streamlining benefit we need, without removing content from the game.

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