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Is Satele Shan a failure?


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Look, I'm not big on Satele Shan either, but this is the worst argument right here: JEDI ARE NOT SITH. POWER IS NOT EVERYTHING TO THEM.


And really, not even the sith work that way. The reason...



...the Inquisitor is promoted to the Dark Council after beating Thanaton's a** was because they didn't just win a personal duel, but one in which a sith's entire power base was pitted against their opponent's. The Inquisitor not only proves they are one of the most tenacious beings in the galaxy, surviving and even turning everything ever thrown at them to their advantage, but also a very capable and cunning leader as well.



So yeah, to Sith power is everything, but even to them just having it isn't as important as also knowing how to use it, which if anything does even more to hurt the OPs point.

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There is a pattern here. The more we learn from a character from SWTOR, the more we like it. So, as long as I know so little of her, I would keep my antipathy at bay, because I know to little of her in order to like or dislike her.

well she did some reckless decisions and sent really inexperienced lot vs emperor while she was drinking hot coco in her comfy council chair :p but i agree that the more we see her the more ... "like" is too strong word but yea. :p

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