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Collections purchase button dummy


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I have another ticket in game that hasn't been answered. 21939858


I completed the collection for Women's Underwear and wanted to unlock this for my account. I went to click the purchase button and it did nothing. I expected the usual popup with a choice to pay by credits or coins but got nothing. The item still presents a tool-tip telling me i can purchase the item for my account but the button doesn't work. I can claim additional sets on the character that completed the set but can't get the item to prompt for purchase. This item provides the closest I've seen to having shorts on. Would be nice to have a short skirt too but the closest to that is the regal set leg piece, which i have already unlocked.


I have relogged, rebooted and even waited for server reset. I have also tried multiple characters, different servers and even different PCs.


Any ideas?

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