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Hey all, got frustrated with GW2 HoT and decided to take a break. Always enjoyed my brief time on SWOTOR but never really invested in it much. To me this class looks really cool and I know for damn certain i want a lightsaber in my hands. I'm curious about input on this class. Maybe any other class suggestions. I'm open to anything really. Also I'm wondering if I should go light or dark side. How are the communities looking on both ends? Any input is appreciated. In my past MMO experience and especially these days i love spending time with a group and on TS chatting but i realistcally know with my schedule I spend a-lot of time solo. If this class can handle that well with a experienced mmo player behind it lemme know. I love lots of buttons to press, got me a Naga! Thanks in advanced all!
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Annihilation Marauder / Watchman Sentinel is good for solo pve stuff due to some slight self-healing. Fury / Concentration is probably the best solo pvp mara spec due to CC immunity after Force Crush / Exhaustion. Carnage / Combat is good on a team, not the best for solo anything.


If you're interested in a different lightsabre wielding class, are you interested in tanking, healing, or damage? If you're considering Mara / Sent, I suppose it must be damage. If you want a good solo pvp class with lots of abilities to use, look at Deception Assassin. Concealment Operative is another good one, just doesn't wield a sabre. Vengeance Juggernaut can be fun solo, just a fairly simple spec to play.


Sorc / Sage is a good solo PVE class due to strong AOE damage, self healing. Annihilation Mara, Hatred Assassin, or Vengeance Juggernaut are good for solo PVE as well.


If you are looking to top the damage charts in endgame operations one day, currently Annihilation Mara is quite strong. There might be a slight nerf coming, though. Carnage will still be strong. Deception Assassin is currently doing pretty well, but again it looks like a significant nerf is coming.


Do you have a preference for melee vs ranged? Sorc / Sage does technically wield a sabre, but it is never used for anything. They are a ranged caster. Assassin, Mara, and Juggernaut actually use their sabres, and are all melee classes.

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So yeah i think I prefer the melee animations I re-activated my account and had a 19 Jugg so I guess i tampered with that for a bit. I do enjoy tanking end game but I know I also enjoy DPS. I am no healer, in the years of MMO's I have I've never played one. probably 60/40 Tank to DPS in raiding experience. Is there an actual difference in quality of class between the light and dark side counterparts to the Marauder/Sentinel? This is news to me if so. I figured they were basically the same class with different animations and class names. I do love a quality solo class and I always end up dabbling in PvP also. The stealth route is intriguing for sure. I'm not sure if you are familiar but i played a tank rogue in Rift for well over a year and loved it. Maybe that is something to consider. Beyond that though I'm open to anything.

So 1.) Where would you possibly see me preferring stealth melee over sent.

2.) Can both be extremely viable in PvP and End game content.

3.) which is a better solo artist as a skilled player.

4.) any melee classes or specs I should completely avoid right now?

5.) Are the mirrored classes between light and dark side all that different beyond story line?


Last thing, much of a difference in communities between the light and dark side? I'm on Harbinger btw.

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just to clarify something : Your FACTION (republic/Empire) does not determine your alignement. You can be a Light side sith (which is a bit of a grey jedi, often) or a dark side jedi (which is normally a douchebag with a lightsaber)


All classes have strengths and weaknesses. You won't find a "perfect awesome class" and endgame balance is always shifting as Bioware handle the nerfbat fixing with the accuracy of a drunk monkey. (like tomorrow, they were probably aiming for PTs, but deception sin got it to the face instead)


Classes are exact mirrors of each others in term of abilities, just with different names and animations.


The easiest solo PvE class that has a lightsaber is a dps sorc or sage. Ranged dps, good burst on fight entrance on lightning (pretty much your opener will drop any thrash, and most strong won't be very strong after it) or stupidly high self-healing at later level in Madness.


In my opinion, the most fun spec to play right now is Annihilation. Survivability is not an issue with companion's current power level you can faceroll any content. (Literally. Roll face on keyboard, doesnt matter, companion won it for you)


The main issue while leveling is where "staple move" are placed. For annihilation and carnage, its annihilate and gore respectively which you don't get until level 42.


Fury/Rage on the other end gets some nice new ability pretty fast, and so do Vengeance.




So really up to you. Sub and try them all, and once in the later level you'll have an idea of which playstyle you prefer.


Its hard to pinpoint what you like or not since you pretty much said :


I want a lightsaber (ok 2 AC left)

I like either tanking or dps (all AC can DPS, heal sorc tree out)

I want a good solo class (sorc gets point)

I prefer melee (Sorc loses point)

I like stealth (Assassin gets point)

I want good end game performance (Best dps spec out there is Annihilation for ops currently in the AC we narrowed on for PvE. For PVP, I didn't pvp in 4,0 so I'll leave other people answer that)



Seeing as you like tanking, and prefer mdps, I'd suggest Jug. I know Rage still has some PvP clout, Vengence gets its dps up nicely (altough doesnt shine endgame) and very nice AoE sustained (think best in the game) and if you want to tank, only a respec and clothes change away.


If you wish to level in tank spec, people say its "slower", not really. While dps duo (dps toon with dps companion) as normally the fastest time going through a pack of mob, its not so much that they'll grab 2-3 while you take one. Maybe a few sec faster, and they have some downtime to heal between fights. If you use healer companion tough, NOW you'll be slow, but thats massive overkill for anything else than a tough heroic.


Alternatively, tank spec in dps gear. Can be surprising.

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So 1.) Where would you possibly see me preferring stealth melee over sent.

2.) Can both be extremely viable in PvP and End game content.

3.) which is a better solo artist as a skilled player.

4.) any melee classes or specs I should completely avoid right now?

5.) Are the mirrored classes between light and dark side all that different beyond story line?

1) Pvp. Also, sometimes it is nice to be able to stealth past trash mobs that you'd rather not have to fight.

2) Yeah, both shadow and sentinel are quite viable in pvp and end game.

3) For solo PVE, a shadow tank in mostly dps gear is quite good. Watchman Sentinel is good for solo PVE as well. Shadows are better pvp solo artists due to stealth. Infiltration Shadow has awesome burst damage - sneak up on opponent and wipe them out before they can really do anything.

4) Not really.

5) The mirrored classes are the same aside from story, animations, and the occasional bug.


I get the feeling that you would like both Assassin / Shadow and Marauder / Sentinel, maybe with a slight lean towards the Assassin / Shadow. I like both, and play both.

Edited by teclado
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1) Pvp. Also, sometimes it is nice to be able to stealth past trash mobs that you'd rather not have to fight.

2) Yeah, both shadow and sentinel are quite viable in pvp and end game.

3) For solo PVE, a shadow tank in mostly dps gear is quite good. Watchman Sentinel is good for solo PVE as well. Shadows are better pvp solo artists due to stealth. Infiltration Shadow has awesome burst damage - sneak up on opponent and wipe them out before they can really do anything.

4) Not really.

5) The mirrored classes are the same aside from story, animations, and the occasional bug.


I get the feeling that you would like both Assassin / Shadow and Marauder / Sentinel, maybe with a slight lean towards the Assassin / Shadow. I like both, and play both.



Assassin/Shadow are still good tanks, but dps wise they took a dump. They are now slightly under the average parsing, but the main issue is they require more positionning work for one, and isnt very good at target switching burst for the other. You'll still get into HMs, but finding a dedicated raid team as a dps might be hard.

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