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Sort Companions in Crew Skill window


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I've a lot of companions unlocked as part of the new story.

Normally for crafting and crew skill missions I use the companions with most affection / influence.


It would be nice to have the list sorted by influence or at least alphabetical.

It's annoying to scroll through the hole list to search a specific companion and I guess it becomes worse with the next chapters and more companions.

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I had a third way of doing this... tied to my other concern/complaint regarding our (now empty) ships.


The Alliance Window (N) should be limited to our Alliance Alerts, our Alliance Specialists, Contacts (companions we're working on recruiting) and "Main Cast" (eg. Darth Marr, HK 55, Lana, Theron, Koth, et al).


Our Crew Window (B) should allow for us to select a Ships Crew.... meaning our favourite companions that would join us on our ship when we are on it, so they are on planet when we're on a mission. Of course, they would also be up top of our Skills list should we want to send them on Crew Skill Missions. I'm thinking 6 to 8 Crew, plus your special companions (Treek, HK51, Akk Dog, that Probe Droid)


Our Crew Window would also include other companions, and allow us to sort companions into an auto-collapsing "Inactive" window. It doesn't mean you can't use a companion from that list... it just means that you don't and don't intend to.


This also solves another problem I've heard... because your Crew Skills window and your Alliance Window are separate, you can send a companion on a mission in Crew Skills... and then accidentally cancel it by summoning that Companion while they're still working on the mission.

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