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"Wrong Faction" Treek


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On my Republic Scoundrel, I saved up the million Creds and bought Treek's contract from the Cartel market. All well and good. Never bought Treek before, and this is the only character I have her purchased on.


...but when I self-buff, my Republic character gets the Republic Version of all the Buffs (of course) but.... Treek shows the Imperial versions of same.


Ok, that's weird, but the effect is the same. But... speaking of Cosmetic Effects, I wanted to see if there were some nice alternate Customizations for Treek. So, I popped over to Yavin and went to the Reputation Vendor (Republic Side). There is a Customized Treek option at that vendor... but I declined to buy it, because it was greyed out. As in "you can't use this" greyed out.


Final, indisputable clue that this is a bug... when I log into one of my Imperial characters and check my Legacy... I'm advised that I can purchase Treek (Imperial version) for 300K creds. Conversely, when I check the same on one of my other Republic characters, I'm told that I need to get Republic Treek first.


SWTOR, you done saddled me with an Imperial Sympathizer!!! :eek:

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