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How to Complete "Locate the Enemy"?


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My character is a Lvl 51 Sith Sorcerer.

I have attempted to complete the mission "Locate the Enemy" on Belsavis several times, but every time I get to the bit where you "Destroy the [First | Second | Third] Security Power Station", I can't find anything to destroy. I have reset this mission several times, tried it with different companions, logged out, signed off, and even contacted tech support. (No answer in over a week). Am I missing something?

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Most excellent link. I had watched a couple of play-throughs, but hadn't found one that showed anything but dialog. This is what I needed. I was only looking inside and didn't go outside.




No problem! I'm glad you weren't running into a bug there, nothing more frustrating than thinking you're not able to really play the game.

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