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Thoughts on the live stream/rewards


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I've given the livestream some time to settle in personally. My very, very first thought was: "BioWare seems very happy to be announcing what amounts to a delay in the delivery of the next chapter." Personally, nothing else in the stream seemed as important as the date for 4.1. A recent thread on reddit demonstrated strong player expectation for 4.1 in January, with many expecting it as early as January 19. (My guess was January 25th)


I then considered the broader message BioWare was attempting to deliver: BioWare wants to encourage people to continue their subscription throughout the entirety of the KotFE story.


Despite being a continuous subscriber since the beginning, I personally cancelled my recurring sub 2 weeks ago. Unless I change my mind, my sub will actually end in February. Nothing I heard in the Live Stream is affecting that decision.


For the most part, I play SWTOR to run Operations. Although I never killed Revan Hardmode, I've cleared nearly every other boss, in every other difficulty in the game. This is the type of content that I find fun. The latest message we heard about the timing of a new operation was that they would start working on it after the holidays. The live stream did not directly alter that message, except for my perceived "delayed" message. To me, that means that a new operation is also probably delayed. This was not what I wanted to hear.


Rewards are fine. Unfortunately, I cannot actually think of a reward that I really care about. I have zillions of mounts, crystals, armors, weapons, titles, decorations, pets, etc. The only reward I would find rewarding is complimentary game time (for example, for every year of subscription, get a free week/month...that's a reward). Or, perhaps, being invited to be a "beta" tester. Gawd knows they need more/better testers.


Finally, BioWare would do well to publish a roadmap for the MMO parts of the game. Even if they are unable to hold to the dates (this is almost assured), because the single player stuff they want me to like, is not enough, and certainly not worth the price they want me to pay. I absolutely do not want to be rewarded with a "free chapter", which we all know isn't free. It's the expenditure of resources on a feature I do not value as highly as things I consider to be MMO features. Agreeing to be party to that reward is to encourage BioWare to make the wrong decision (in my book, which may be different from yours).

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Finally, BioWare would do well to publish a roadmap for the MMO parts of the game. Even if they are unable to hold to the dates (this is almost assured), because the single player stuff they want me to like, is not enough, .



This times 1000. While it's " a lot" to the degree that yes technically I have yet to get through kotfe on any of my alts, or grind my alliance with any alts, I just don't feel the draw to do so. The story isn't different enough for me to want to experience on another character. Let alone 8 more characters. With NiM loot borked, effectively our MMO options are vastly limited to just the hardmodes. And, while I also haven't beaten Revan, I'm not ready to go back in there just yet after spending a lot of 3.0 bashing my face into a pulp in that revan fight.

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