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Character permanently stuck


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Right now, I'm stuck on Odessen near Beywan Aygo. I can't quick travel, I can't travel to fleet, I can't travel to another alliance contact, and I can't travel to a guild ship or stronghold. Whenever I click on any of these, nothing happens. I also can't use any of my abilities, mounts, or pets. Essentially, I can't do anything in-game. If I try to run to a different part of Odessen, I hit an invisible wall like what happens when you get disconnected... except my connection is fine (could still chat with guildies on Teamspeak and load web pages on my browser). Basically, I can't move more than 30 feet from where I am at currently.


I can log out of this character, however, I cannot log into a different character. If I try, I get the load screen with no loading bar. It just sits there. Nothing ever happens. Eventually, the music stops, but the loading icon is still whirring away in the lower right corner.


I tried to log in on my laptop and had the same results. I also cannot repair installation on either computer, although I don't think that's the problem. The option to repair is always grayed out.


When I tried to submit a ticket in-game, I was booted, with the following error message: "Your characters on this server are currently unavailable due to maintenance. Please try again at a later time." Nobody else in guild has this issue, and it is yet to resolve itself when I log in. Any help would be appreciated.


EDIT: This issue is restricted to The Harbinger server. My characters on Jedi Covenant server do not seem to have any issues.


EDIT: As long as I don't try to travel to my guild's ship on fleet, it appears I can play the game as normal on this character. I cannot log into a different character (same issue as before), and as soon as I try to travel to our guild's ship on fleet the game instantly locks up like I'm disconnected. I can travel to the Yavin guild ship without incident, and I can use my ship to travel places as well. I really hope that somebody has a fix for this...



Edited by AndronicusRy
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