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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Primary Crew [Comps back to starship suggestion]


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Hello everybody.


I would like to suggest a feature that I, whilst knowing nothing about coding, doesn't seem so hard to implement. I feel that our personal starships, courteously handed back in chapter IX of KotFE, are very empty and dead.

Since we now are beginning to surround ourselves with literally dozens of comps, why not let us select 5 or 6 at the time that goes in a separate category in the Companions & Contacts window. Let us call this category 'Primary crew' for now, its name is irrelevant.


This category, which you fill out freely from the C&C window, goes at the top (right below alerts) of the window. These 5-6 companions will also be located on your personal starship once you're zoned into it. You don't need to give them any dialogue options or anything, just, please, dear BW, let us fill our starships with our most favourite companions so that it isn't so lonely and silent on the ship.

This reason alone is why I don't let more than 2 current toons progress through KotFE. I love the feeling of a crowded personal space ship ; )


Kind regards,

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