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Armor Repair Bug


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Apparently, we don't (well, I don't; I can't speak for anyone else) have any need to repair our armor anymore. No matter how many times I die or how many fights I get into, my armor remains pristine as ever. Not sure if that's a bug or a new feature, but since the option to repair your armor is still there, I'm guessing its a bug.
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same here, been like this for a few days now... BUT..


yesterday i went to tython to help out a new friend whos starting to play this game, and to my surprise, all of a sudden, i had to pay for repairs...?





Either way, I'm in no rush to get this one dealt with is it's actually saving me a surprising amount of credits. And I do mean surprising, as I've never earned credits this quickly compared to before the bug showed up.


(Of course, since this is beneficial to players, I suspect it'll be nipped in the bud with a hotfix shortly. Because, eff us, amirite or amirite?) :)

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