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Sith Warrior Final Companion Conversations not triggering


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I just completed the class story line on a new marauder and am unable to trigger the final companion conversations. In my mission log I am showing:


"[DNT] Quinn Conversation Cooldown

[DNT] Jaesa Dark Conversation Cooldown

[DNT] Vette Conversation Cooldown

[DNT] Pierce Conversation Cooldown

[DNT] Broonmark Conversation Cooldown"


Each has "Tasks: Level undefined" as the description.

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Having this same problem even after completing the entire story chain. 4 of my comps are not completable because of these odd quests.


In reading some other posts I found that someone abandoned the [DNT] quests and were able to continue. I tried it and it worked spectacularly. Still a bug that needs addressing but this may help you.

Edited by stephini
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So, I hit "Abandon" on the quest for all 5 of my companions (I JUST finished Chapter 3, haven't even left the ship yet).


They each popped up with a triangle to talk to. So I went and talked to them all, it worked fine.


But now their next conversation doesn't start, there's no weird buggy quest in my log, and I don't have some of them unlocked on my Legacy screen. (I do for Broonmark and Jaesa. I guess I got lucky and this happened on their last convo).


But Pierce, Quinn, and Vette are still blacked out, have no conversation options, and I'm finished with the story.


What gives?

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This happened to me as well, and I can confirm that abandoning the quests allows the conversations to continue. On at least one companion (Quinn), there were two conversations left, and it allowed me to complete them both. So, it appears to work even if you have more than one conversation left. Not sure if it makes a difference or not, but I was standing right on the ship near my companions as I abandoned each of their respective quests.
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Each has "Tasks: Level undefined" as the description.


While I haven't had the issues with companion missions, story/class/heroic missions will be listed in the log with the above...more specifically I'll complete the mission, get the rewards, and the mission will still be in the log with the above in the details.

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