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Struggling with PvP Healing.


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Hi fellas.


This is my first post on the forums, so I hope you'll forgive me if I'm not incredibly experienced with writing them.

I recently switched to play Operative Healer, since I enjoy healing in PvP, and Operative gameplay appealed to me. It's been a few weeks now, and I feel like I've done a good job of gearing up and practicing, following guides and developing my gameplay, etcetera.

However, I still feel like the class is very underpowered. Is this just me being a dork, or are others experiencing the same? I genuinely find myself in situations where I do my rotation more or less perfectly, but a DPS still manages to burst me down, sometimes without using cooldowns.

Meanwhile, on my sorcerer, I can easily outheal that kind of pressure, and much more as well. Let me know what you think - do operative healers need a definite PvP buff, or do I just need more practice?

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Without a Tank Guard... Op healing is beyond tough. Because you have to keep moving to allow for your hots to heal while your not getting hit. If you get stuck in a long stun lock... your pretty much dead.


You have to keep mobile and never stand still for too long. Use ur rolls and halo transverse (I think that's what its called) to your advantage.

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I do my best to stay on the move at all times. As in, I probably never stand still, par from when I'm casting. But what does it really matter, it's not like you can 'kite' anymore, every class has at least one, if not two or more gap closers. :/ Running around a pillar is an option that works most of the time, but even when I'm on the move, it is -as you said- 'beyond tough' to stay alive. And while I definitely agree that Operative Healers are by no means bad or anything, I definitely feel like they need a tweek or buff. Sure, it's challenging and that is fun in its own way, but right now the challenge is far greater than the reward.
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Majority of the players in this game have no idea how to play an Operative healer (no offense to all those people out there). Majority can't even keep their HoTs up throughout combat. That is 60% of all the healing you are doing within a warzone. Operative healing is fun but it isn't easy. It takes a lot of patience and concentration to pull off your healing well unlike sorcs currently.


I say practice more and learn to keep your HoTs up under pressure as well as have a good rotation on your Dcds.

Edited by kissingaiur
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