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Current state of pub side PVP......


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No one wants to here about that.....


So, I just wanted to take an moment to thank all of those Pub PVP artists, old guard and new, for helping me attain Elite Warlord status here on the Harbinger. Clandestu is my 3rd now, Tyranticus (Mara) on Jedi Cov and Tyranticus (Jugg) on Pot5 being the other two.


Normally, I would start over on another server and rebuild another legacy once I had attained this goal but I really do have fun with u all here on the Harbinger.


You all are a good group and I look forward to destroying many more imps with u all in the WZ's and Rateds.


Thanks again,

Edited by Nickodemous
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You know, u right. I played that specific class because i enjoy it but I probably need to branch out a bit.


I am going to consider hitting Elite for all of my alts on pub side....


I have a shadow that is almost fully geared. My mando is pvp ready. I just need to get my slinger to 65....

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