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Nar Shadaa - The Walls Have Ears mission (IMP)


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Mission requires me to destroy a terminal in a Republic SIS base. Have cleared bonus mission and destroyed the terminal yet am stuck with a blank mission entry in my log as it has not advanced to "Speak to so and so" correctly. Other people on NS also confirmed they were having the problem when i enquired in General.


To repro:

Take mission

Clear enemies in base

Stab/shoot console by right clicking Mission doesn't update.

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Ah sorry, i did a prelimary search before posting but got no results, guess the search function dosn't like spaces. I doubt it will be fixed that quickly, but we can hope.

A bug with the bonus series on Alderaan got fixed pretty quickly last week after enough people complained about it, so let's hope more players decide to write reports about it :)

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We can hope i guess and i did submit something a while back that got fixed within 24 hours (whether by my report or already being in the pipeline) so you may be right i suppose. I am just a cynic when it concerns bugs in games - especially this one since nodes that were below the surface of DK in beta/EA but showing on map are still there to this day (as just one example). Edited by obek_kwae
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Indeed, there are quite a few things that remain bugged / functionless ingame and especially things like the Exploration Missions suffered from the major changes of 4.0. Even though I'm sceptical that a fix for this will make it into the patch tomorrow, it'd certainly be a pleasant surprise!




I've just read that there are mission fixes in the patch tomorrow ... weeell seems like there is a bit of hope. :D


/edit 2


I recorded the bug and uploaded the video to show what exactly is happening (or not happening, in this case).

Edited by Arcanaz
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Amazingly, (after having left both of my bugged missions alone and moving on with my leveling) it looks like the missions are fixed - both now have "Return to .. " in the log now. Nice to see them fixed. Thanks to whomever at BW got them sorted.

I can confirm that. Seems like either a fix made it into the patch (without being listed in the patch notes) or the server reset fixed it somehow. I'm happy either way! :)

Edited by Arcanaz
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