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Sage - Lieutenant Iresso (sexual relations...?)


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I have some concerns regarding the influence gain and subsequent conversations with Lieutenant Iresso as a Jedi Sage (female). If you design future conversations or interactions with this character, could you please stop pushing my own character towards having sexual relations with him without resorting to rudeness or rejection? I feel this is quite limited in terms of character roleplay and it appears the only way to gain influence with this character through interaction is by sexual intercourse. I find this highly irritating and somewhat offensive as almost all conversations seem to be of a sexual nature and I feel this highly contradicts the persona of my character. I should be able to gain and improve his relationship to me without direct relations and yet I find in most conversations 2 out of 3 dialogue options are directly related to "getting in the sack", which my character has no interest in.


I have enjoyed the rpg experience of SWTOR so far, but this has been a bit of a setback for me. Please do include more options in the future which allow me to improve my relationship with Lieutenant Iresso without sexual relations.

Edited by Crowleyz
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