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Old player returning to the galaxy of Star wars, looking for a guild.


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Well its been a long long time since ive dedicated my full playtime on this... not since... oh my its been 3 years? Have popped in for a 2-3 month and been here casually trying some of the new stuff.


Its time i come back and most likely stay and have fun if i can find a nice group of people to game with? :)


I do love RP but its not an important factor mostly cause i really havent done it in years now, i need some tips or training perhaps. ^_^


So what am i looking for? A nice little place, doesnt have to be something with 100s of people in, quit frankly ive most of times been in small guilds of like 20-40ish people and had a blast, you get to know people a lot more tbh.


Also i enjoy the stories in this so much i might likely play a few classes i already have done all but only 6 fully minus latest exp. I will play a jedi class on republic side to begin with but its not settled in stone atm if thats gonna be my main.


A bit about me? Old fart of 35, played most MMO that exists, sci fi fan, like space combat and stories, i speak directly without filter that tends to upset some people, got a bad health that might make me leave for a few days sometimes, team player with common sense, feel free to ask about anything else.


What other games i play? most times anything with a good story also i like space engineers, created a lot of star wars designs there, latest a star destroyer by my design smaller but at least most people can enjoy it without 3fps lag ^_^


Not entirely sure what else to say here so see you somewhere in the galaxy :)

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