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Veela Server | Event ideas, need feedback from Veelaians


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I was thinking of some server events for the future, and I wanted some feedback on the ideas and if any of the other guilds in Veela would participate.


These are just rough ideas, details can be altered.


1. Tatooine Speeder race


- The racers would be republic, 1 person from each participating guild would race with a minimum of a 100,000 credit buy in, if you win you double your money.


- I would have a Sith logged in at a destination point, and who ever gets to him first wins. (regardless if that alt is dead or alive, I can still screen shot the winners)


- Sith players would be encouraged to try to slow down the racers by killing them, and the guildies of the racers would join the racer to help defend them.


2. Raid Wars


- pick a Raid and have all the republic and Sith meet there at the same time, and have a big 3 way fight; Sith vs Republic vs Raid Boss, try to kill each other and the raid boss at the same time.


3. Open world Warzone (King of the Hill)


- Pick 3 spots on a map (somewhere that can be held strategically)


- and give 2 hours, and who ever holds 2/3 of those spots (republic/Sith) at the end of that 2 hour time frame would win

Edited by CommanderChronos
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Arnt you that guy that I spit on today?


Possibly. After winning about 25-30 games in a row with our pre-made I'd imagine you'd be quite frustrated and think that /spit would offend me somehow. If you want to re-roll Empire we always have a spot for cheerleaders.



- Morlu 50 Sorceror

Edited by MorluCa
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