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Stopping lightsabres with your bare hands...


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Step 1: Watch the Hope trailer.


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In the Hope trailer, Satele Shan stops that lightsabre with her bare hands (well, OK, she's got gloves on, but they aren't obviously ForceWielderSuperGloves that can withstand having a lightsabre stuck in them). OK, I know, Grandmaster Shan is strong in the Force, and all that, but: how common is that in the Lore?

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At the very least Vader, Yoda, and Palpatine could do this sort of thing. It's also difficult to say whether strictly speaking Satele is absorbing the energy or deflecting/reflecting the energy as in the case of a lightsaber the net effect is about the same.


In part it's difficult to say how common the ability is because Jedi and Sith carry lightsabers most of the time, and it's quite clearly easier to use a lightsaber (or in some cases use the force to enhance the lightsaber's ability to absorb/reflect/deflect) than it is to use the force. Given that most of the examples of individuals that are known to have this sort of capability prefer to use a lightsaber it's sort of hard to say.


At any rate, it's not so much stopping the lightsaber with bare hands as it is stopping it with a very small Force Armor. Those Jedi Consulars tend to bubble up at the first sign of trouble you know. ;)


If one ventures into the EU then it's not all that rare, particularly among groups of force users that have energy weapons but lack weapons capable of parrying them. Learning to deflect may be difficult, but is preferable to getting fried by a blaster bolt and is worth mastering if you don't have better options. Seemed to be fairly common in some descriptions for the witches/nightsisters of Dathomir depending on the source you look at.


Sort of like Force Healing though, some force users definitely have a knack for it and others don't.

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Before I start, thanks for the answers.

At the very least Vader, Yoda, and Palpatine could do this sort of thing. It's also difficult to say whether strictly speaking Satele is absorbing the energy or deflecting/reflecting the energy as in the case of a lightsaber the net effect is about the same.

My own thought on this was more a sort of push-back - it's interesting how that point in the trailer looks like (what's his name? the Sith) and Satele having a contest of (Force-enhanced?) physical strength - she is pushing back on the (shortened) *end* of the blade of the sabre, while he is trying to push it into her. Almost like she is *rejecting* it rather than any of those alternatives. In any event, it still makes a dramatic demonstration of the intensity of her power.

In part it's difficult to say how common the ability is because Jedi and Sith carry lightsabers most of the time, and it's quite clearly easier to use a lightsaber (or in some cases use the force to enhance the lightsaber's ability to absorb/reflect/deflect) than it is to use the force. Given that most of the examples of individuals that are known to have this sort of capability prefer to use a lightsaber it's sort of hard to say.

Well, sure. I'd prefer to use a lightsabre to deflect incoming stuff than my bare hands, any day.

At any rate, it's not so much stopping the lightsaber with bare hands as it is stopping it with a very small Force Armor. Those Jedi Consulars tend to bubble up at the first sign of trouble you know. ;)

Except that Shadows (and she seems to be half-Shadow) don't have a bubble, unless I missed it on my skill bar somewhere...

If one ventures into the EU then it's not all that rare, particularly among groups of force users that have energy weapons but lack weapons capable of parrying them. Learning to deflect may be difficult, but is preferable to getting fried by a blaster bolt and is worth mastering if you don't have better options. Seemed to be fairly common in some descriptions for the witches/nightsisters of Dathomir depending on the source you look at.


Sort of like Force Healing though, some force users definitely have a knack for it and others don't.

Insert snide remark about the comparison between Lana4.0.1 and Lana4.0.2, perhaps? ;) ;) ;)

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Huh. I always thought it was more about telekinetically holding the blade in place so it doesn't actually connect. Though looking at the page picture on Wookiepedia, this is obviously not the case (or not entirely so).


Still, there is one example of Force Grip stopping a lightsaber- the Inquisitor's final

with Thanaton.
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I know the consular does it too. When you beat the First Son, you can try to kill him, but he disarms you. He then tries to slash you but you block it then collapse part of the cave on him. This seems to be 1 of 2 DS endings since the other you just beat him into sumbission.

Found a link, it happens at about 2:45.


Edited by blackthunder
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