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Cannot proceed with Rishi class story quest


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Has anybody heard back from Bioware about this yet? I submitted my bug report two days ago and I haven't received so much as a "Hey we're looking into it thanks for calling" reply.


Same on both accounts. Sent a report, still open.

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I experienced the bug this morning on my Warrior. I assumed it was a bug because I dinged 65 long before Rishi due to a rather excessive amount of XP boost given to me as quest rewards. I submitted a ticket and have been waiting all day. I'm rather glad I found this page, because like heck am I going through Makeb and the other stuff with my other classes just to hit this bug again.
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I experienced the bug this morning on my Warrior. I assumed it was a bug because I dinged 65 long before Rishi due to a rather excessive amount of XP boost given to me as quest rewards. I submitted a ticket and have been waiting all day. I'm rather glad I found this page, because like heck am I going through Makeb and the other stuff with my other classes just to hit this bug again.


I don't think this has anything to do with the missions that come after Chapter 3. I think this is something that Bioware may have broken on their own. They just need to figure out where it's broken and fix the problem. Hopefully, once that's happened, we'll be able to complete the post-Chapter 3 missions that we're currently not able access.

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Same thing happened on my sorcerer that just hit 65. I can't complete the Rishi class quest, it just tells me to finish Chapter 3. Oddly enough, before the latest patch but after the expansion hit live, I had an assassin get through that same quest just fine. I assume it's a bug with the latest patch? Edited by Aegnas
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Same problem here with my lvl 64 Jugg. Didn't see this thread before I posted mine about it. Submitted a bug report today too. Hope this gets fixed soon because now I don't want to finish SoR/start FotFE until it does so I don't miss out on the story arc (this is the first toon I've finished the original story with).
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Ya same as well.


I see the quest objective to "complete chapter 3" is greyed out as any quest would when a objective is complete but it does not progress.


As much as I hope for them to fix this bug soon since this SoR Class quest is a epilogue quest to our Class Storyline I just may have to skip it and ead right into KOTFE once I finished with Ziost story.


(PS Does this Class story get auto finished if you head into KOTFE since I know the Class storyline (Ch 1 - 3), Shdaow of Revan, and Ziost Storyline are auto finished when you enter KOTFE. Makeb (CH4) and Orican does not get auto finished.)

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So guys i just got my respond to my ticket and all they said is that it will be a "Star Chamber" is a repeatable quest so if we got troubles with it is to patient to the next week so we can continue. *** its a storyline mission not a weekly missino we can redo for fun like we will never being able to continue now cuz they never confirmed that they will fix that bug
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The same is happening with my consular. I also have a problem with Shadow of Revan: Prelude (the quest where you are doing a quest with 3 parts of forged alliances I assume). Problem is I did the quest (and 4 flashpoints) before the SoR expansion, took a break, now returned, tried to do whole story from 55 and hit a wall. In quest log there's a step with completing forged alliances part I, greyed like it's alredy done, but in description there's no indication as to what to do next. With prelude it was ok to ignore it for now, fly to Rishi manually, watched cutscenes on youtube. But with class story... I think those cases are connected because of grayed objectives finished some time ago. Also, not sure if it's not a KotFE consequence, with this finishing old missions. Anyhow I send ticket about prelude, considering sending about class story. Hope it will be fixed soon
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Ran into this problem today on my sorceror (level 65). Put a bit of a dampener on my leveling, since I really do not want to proceed into KoTFE without doing all the class quests and find the one on rishi, albeit a small one, but a vital part of the questing experience in SoR expansion.
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I submitted a bug report for this 2 days ago, but still haven't had any sort of response.


Also, as a former QA tester at a different game company I just wanted to throw this out there to all you folks that posted here:


  1. Anyone that did not encounter a blocker specifically on "Vowrawn and the Wrath" while playing a sith warior should probably start a new thread. Unless bugs are absolutely identical (often times to the letter) they will be tracked separately by QA. That also means that the fix for this issue may or may not fix your issue.
  2. Anyone who encountered this issue or a similar one should definitely submit a bug report if you haven't already. Multiple occurrances of the same issue gives the devs a better idea of the severety of the issue, as well as how often it occurs. More folks reporting the same problem can often times expedite the issue being resolved.
  3. Given that they recently released an expansion, and the fact that this bug doesn't block players from doing anyhthing in KotFE, it might be a while before this bug is addressed. They are no doubt slammed with reports of various bugs right now, and the ones that block end game progression always take the top priority.


That being said though I really do hope it gets addressed soon, because playing KotFE before having finished SoR seems ill advised from a story perspective. Can't help but feel like I'd miss something :(

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I submitted a bug report for this 2 days ago, but still haven't had any sort of response.


Also, as a former QA tester at a different game company I just wanted to throw this out there to all you folks that posted here:


  1. Anyone that did not encounter a blocker specifically on "Vowrawn and the Wrath" while playing a sith warior should probably start a new thread. Unless bugs are absolutely identical (often times to the letter) they will be tracked separately by QA. That also means that the fix for this issue may or may not fix your issue.
  2. Anyone who encountered this issue or a similar one should definitely submit a bug report if you haven't already. Multiple occurrances of the same issue gives the devs a better idea of the severety of the issue, as well as how often it occurs. More folks reporting the same problem can often times expedite the issue being resolved.
  3. Given that they recently released an expansion, and the fact that this bug doesn't block players from doing anyhthing in KotFE, it might be a while before this bug is addressed. They are no doubt slammed with reports of various bugs right now, and the ones that block end game progression always take the top priority.


That being said though I really do hope it gets addressed soon, because playing KotFE before having finished SoR seems ill advised from a story perspective. Can't help but feel like I'd miss something :(

I hear what you're saying about the first point, but all of the missions mentioned in this thread are all the class stories on Rishi. The fact that all of them aren't coming up, not just the one for warriors, says, to me at least, that the problem isn't exclusive to one class. I've already submitted a bug report last night for my part, so now we're just waiting to hear back that they've taken our concerns into account at the very least.


Edit: Just got a response back and it's the usual automated message for a bug report. At least it was sent to Quality Assurance and not just discarded outright.

Edited by LightstormDragon
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I submitted a bug report for this 2 days ago, but still haven't had any sort of response.


Also, as a former QA tester at a different game company I just wanted to throw this out there to all you folks that posted here:


  1. Anyone that did not encounter a blocker specifically on "Vowrawn and the Wrath" while playing a sith warior should probably start a new thread. Unless bugs are absolutely identical (often times to the letter) they will be tracked separately by QA. That also means that the fix for this issue may or may not fix your issue.
  2. Anyone who encountered this issue or a similar one should definitely submit a bug report if you haven't already. Multiple occurrances of the same issue gives the devs a better idea of the severety of the issue, as well as how often it occurs. More folks reporting the same problem can often times expedite the issue being resolved.
  3. Given that they recently released an expansion, and the fact that this bug doesn't block players from doing anyhthing in KotFE, it might be a while before this bug is addressed. They are no doubt slammed with reports of various bugs right now, and the ones that block end game progression always take the top priority.


That being said though I really do hope it gets addressed soon, because playing KotFE before having finished SoR seems ill advised from a story perspective. Can't help but feel like I'd miss something :(

Fair points, though I really hope they do prioritize it, as even if it doesn't techincally block KOTFE, I would assume starting KOTFE would remove the mission (as it does with any other class missions) so effectively if you want to complete the mission, it does stop you from doing KOTFE. Just to add my experience, I have the same bug with a Sorceror.

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Had a lot of free time today. It is one bug, not separate bugs. I can confirm it is broken on my Smuggler, my Jedi Knight, and my sith inquistor. Tried all three today. All three say I have to finish chapter 3. All three had chapter 3 finished long ago with the legacy acheivement unlocked. Submitted ticket and bug reports, given the way these things have been handled post - KoTFE i'm not gonna hold my breathe.
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Just got the quest and it's bugged, complete "Retribution" just as the others have said here.


A couple weeks back when I lvled my sith inquisitor the similar quest that you get was not bugged

Yeah I did it on 2 characters before this last week's patch with no issue. It seems to be a new issue with this patch.

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This happened to me yesterday as well on my Sorcerer. I have heard that the quest Secrets of the Darkest Stars is a wonderful albeit small story arc that really makes you feel like a member of the dark council. I have really been looking forward to it so I will not be touching my Sorcerer again until this is fixed. And that makes me quite sad because I have really been enjoying that character of late.
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I've also got this issue on my Agent.


How long does it usually take Bioware to fix issues like this? I don't want to start kotfe without completing all my class stuff, but this is taking away my subscription time...

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