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still unable to actually train abilities


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So as of 4.0 many people have reported that player characters cannot train base and/or advanced class abilities - you reach level X and your train says reach X+1; you reach X+1 and your trainers says reach X+1+1. So far there have been three patches and and a server...thing. Was EA too busy with the stem of news about corruption on REDDIT to deal with this (battlefront launch, failtastic), or have they actually stopped carrying about players?


I know I stopped giving EA money until this is fixed.



The Reddit news: http://blogjob.com/oneangrygamer/2015/11/star-wars-battlefront-ea-rep-and-reddit-mods-caught-in-corruption-scandal/ is very interesting to look at, especially screengrabs.

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So I am happy to report that the gentleman I spoke to on the phone was the epitome of Bioware excellence: he was friendly, polite, happy to help (you could hear him smile), and very patient as we worked together to make sure the issue was resolved and clearly understood by me.


The fault, naturally, was with EA: as of patch 4.0.1 (if not 4.0), the training of player abilities (not utility points in this case) had changed drastically, and was not indicated in anywhere that I could find (or not clear enough to make sense). Now, trainers only provide you with abilities when you first gain them, such as energy shield for bounty hunters. Normally we would have to hit a trainer every level or so (until 40 I think?) to rank up said ability to keep useful based on player level. Now, once you train initially, all ranking up of an ability is automatic based on player level. For some reason, however, trainers (including holo statues) would still show greyed out rank-ups for abilities when a person selected "show all" for trainers, indicating the next rank was trained at the next level achieved. Once said level was achieved, the ability would not be trainable/rankable, but would show it as available at the Next level, ad infinitum.

This is a terrible graphics glitch/code bug that was misleading players into believing abilities were not scaling with them no matter what the player did. Thankfully this is false (tested and confirmed by me, and you can easily mouse-over an ability, note the rank, then level and note the rank), and new (not previously acquired) abilities can be picked up by a trainer/holo statue without any issue.


Once more: good job Bioware/horrible fail EA.

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