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Fresh 65 - What should I do?


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I returned to the game last week because I got really tired of WoW and the Blizzcon announcements really pushed me over the edge with that game. Decided to play SWTOR after having quit about 3 years ago and loved the game so much that I subbed and couldn't stop playing. Hit 65 on my Jedi Knight and I've done all of the story up until chapter X.


So, what do I do now? I've always enjoyed raiding and just PVE in general in MMOs, bur I have no idea how I'm meant to get into raiding (where to get gear from, what guides to watch, where to go for class information). If someone could just give me a brief run down of the Star Wars endgame that would be great.



Edited by JediKnightKyle
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Hello! Just popping in to say that Dulfy has some really great guides on gearing, raid drops and raid walk-throughs if you do intend to try any of that sort of content. Storymode operations are definitely easier now than they used to be, but you need to find a group that knows what they are doing (or suffer through a clumsy PUG). I'd definitely look into finding a friendly guild that knows operations! You could also run all of your companion alerts, run some GSI missions, max out some reputation, etc etc..there should still be plenty to do!



Edited by blindxsecrets
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