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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Serious lag over the past few days.


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Hey everyone,


It seems that the past few days the server has been really quite laggy and I checked my router and connection and it's fine everywhere else but in the game so I'm wondering if it's a server-side issue and if there's been any word on maintenance to improve connectivity and server stability?




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We just recently had a discussion about this in our guild, the public thread can be found Here and the link to the software referenced can be found Here. Unfourtantly lag can be caused by many different issues but I hope that the suggestions listed prior at least help to alleviate some of your issues!
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No matter what server i make a toon on 5 minutes in, my lat bar shows a red X and lat climbs to 60K plus before i have to crash the game. Team speak, Vent, Skype, as well as my Steam, Xbox live, Playstation Network, World of Warcraft, and Star Trek online have 0 issues and all run smooth. This all started after this last patch.
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Normally, it has only been Odessen that has been horribly laggy, but it's been getting progressively worse in other locations with each passing day this week.

Belsavis. Almost unplayable lag right now. Abilities sometimes won't fire.

Edited by DocDAM
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I've been running pingplotter and my tunnelling software watching for the spikes in the connection. I get the lag, the red X, and usually the DC, but my software doesn't even show a blip. My connection seems stable until suddenly it isn't.


I used that TCP optimizer and it disabled all my network drivers... not sure what it's trying to tell me.....

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It's not our connection end.If you look around the planets the dead mobs are stacking up.Tor server cashe is building up cause the server lag. This all happen after Tuesdays messed up patch. The only place I seen that the lag get cut in 1/2 is in Instances for Heroics. good luck hope they fix it soon
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I've heard some talk it was due to mobs not de-spawning, if you go around you will see groups of dead mobs that are not clearing and all that additional ground clutter is whats causing the lag issues.


Should be unrelated. It's server lag, not graphical lag. Like I'll just be parsing alone on my ship and I see my connection go from 4 to 2 to 3 bars randomly then back to 4. It's not super frequent but it's noticeable and can cause ability lag sometimes.

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Should be unrelated. It's server lag, not graphical lag. Like I'll just be parsing alone on my ship and I see my connection go from 4 to 2 to 3 bars randomly then back to 4. It's not super frequent but it's noticeable and can cause ability lag sometimes.


It's not our connection end.If you look around the planets the dead mobs are stacking up.Tor server cashe is building up cause the server lag. This all happen after Tuesdays messed up patch. The only place I seen that the lag get cut in 1/2 is in Instances for Heroics. good luck hope they fix it soon


TatooYoda is correct. This appears to be the issue. The more mob bodies on the ground, the worse the issue seems to be. The server is lagging because of these caches. More data having to move back and forth between multiple clients and the server is bottlenecking things.


At least...that's what it seems like. Any reply from EA regarding this issue?


EDIT: Found an official statement.



Edited by Seqan
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Hey everyone,


All servers will be unavailable on November 24th while we apply Patch 4.0.2a.


DATE: 24 November 2015


VERSION: 4.0.2a


I'll have official Patch Notes up in the morning, but this update includes the Companion stat changes, a fix for some players who are unable to log in, some Mission fixes, and a fix for the piles of corpses.




Hopefully this patch will fix all the issues multiple people are facing :)

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