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Alright, nearly done with the ships (finally) and I want you guys to go through your fleet and the ship doc to make sure everything still lines up. A few were altered... Some cheaper, some more expensive.


I also want you to double check the crystal cost of the ships you are using. Most of them should be right, but the more eyes and all... :rolleyes:

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And now the moment that you've so not been waiting for, my leader:




Character Name: “Shadow”


Profession- Leader of the Veil

Species- Unknown

Gender- Unknown

Age: Unknown

Height: Unknown

Hair: Unknown

Eyes: Unknown


Clothing- Unknown






1. Unknown


3. Unknown




1. Experienced Intelligence Handler: This character has experience in the handling of intelligence, giving them a boost in knowing what is important intel that they can exploit or sell.

2. Secretive: This character retains an aura of secrecy about them, making them seem like more than they are as well as next to impossible to locate or learn about.

3. Well Connected: Despite keeping their identity a secret Shadow maintains a deeply connected network to achieve their goals. Knowing everything they can about who works for them and who they may wish to do business with.




Short Bio:


The atmosphere of Remo’s Extraordinary Cantina was underwhelming to say the least. For a place that advertised itself as the best place to eat this side of the Outer Rim, it seemed lackluster, but it was where Vinen Tamara had agreed to meet with an old acquaintance. He had taken a table in the back corner so he could watch the entrances to see when she arrived.


A scuffle broke out on the other side of the cantina, and ended with a blaster discharge sending a Duro flying across a table. Vinen turned his attention from the doorways to where the fight had occurred, nothing like that had happened since he had arrived.


“So,” a feminine voice projected across the room, “What have we all learned?”


A series of mumbles followed from a various collection of beings near where the fight had occurred. Vinen tried to get a glance at the speaker, the voice sounded like that of his contact but it had been years since they had talked.


“Good. Now don’t you forget it,” the voice said again, and Vinen caught a glimpse of the speaker, a dark haired woman with tan skin and still wearing almost the exact same outfit as she had five years ago—a loose fitting tunic that fitted in all the right place, not too low cut but he wasn’t going to go near her if she decided to pick something off the ground, boots that reached her mid-thigh, and no pants. She saw him and walked over, sitting down across from him. The last few years had been much kinder to her than him, “It’s been a while, Vin,” she said setting a drink on the table, probably some extremely heavy alcoholic beverage. “I never expected you to come out here.”

“Well, I needed some information, Azìrel,” he replied.


“Oh?” she asked, her eyebrows raising just a bit. “Depends on what you need. I’m not an information broker.”


“You’re called the Queen of the Outer Rim now,” he said watching her closely, “I’ve looked at some of the stunts you pulled. Breaking through blockades—Trench led ones at that—escaping traps that should have caught you—one planned by Thrawn. You’ve had help.”


“And here I thought you would just be making a social call,” she replied dejectedly, a small pout appearing. “But, fine,” she leaned forward and whispered, “Sure, I’ve had some help. What’s it to you?”


He shifted in the booth a bit before leaning forward, “Curiosity. I’m retired now so you won’t have to worry about me coming after you.”


“Oh, that makes me feel so much better,” she said sarcastically rolling her eyes, “You settle down on Balmorra or Alderaan?”


“Neither. I came out here first,” he said, “So, you got help from?”


She leaned back before throwing out a highly defensive response, “People.”


It was Vinen’s turn to shoot a questioning eyebrow raise, “Just people? No one named anything?”


“My lips are sealed,” she replied, still defensively.


Vinen slid a slip of flimsy across the table, “Maybe this will change your mind.” He had been given it by one of the mechanics at the dock and been told to hand it to a tight lipped friend. He hoped this was what they had meant.


He watched he hand reach out and pick it up. She looked over it quickly before throwing it disgustedly in her cup. “Fine, fine, fine,” she said after a moment, “Ever heard of someone, or something, or whatever called ‘Shadow’?”


Surprises came in all shapes and sizes, Vinen had hoped that the answer to his question would give this answer. “Once or twice.” He needed to play his hand close now. “And they helped you?”


She shook the cup around a bit as the flimsy disintegrated in the liquid, “Possibly. Once or twice. It’s hard to tell.”

She was toying with him, so he chose his words carefully, “Oh? How did you acquire this help, once or twice?”


“They came to me,” she replied casually, “I owe them a favor or two. Probably about as many as you.”


His reaction was not exactly subtle he realized as a grimace came unwanted to his face. She smiled, “You wouldn’t have known about Shadow otherwise.”


“I should have known,” he said with a sigh.


“And both of us would be dead if we had said anything without Shadow’s permission either,” she added holding up the cup in a sarcastic toast. “You know how Shadow helped me, let me guess how they helped you.”

“Go ahead.”


“Your short yet successful career is highly influenced by what Shadow has offered you.”


“Not ‘highly’ but it did influence it,” he said a bit of a sinking feeling coming upon him. He did not like the fact that he had help getting where he had, but at the time he had needed it.


Her most mischievous smile crept across her face, “Good to know. I’ll see when Shadow calls you about it. But I do know some more information, if you’re interested.”


“What do you have?” he replied tentatively, hoping she would not charge him.


“Remember Tacim?” she asked.


“Vaguely,” he replied. The Taung had been away most of the time, but he had seen him around a bit before the Inquisition had dissolved.


“He’s dead. Clan Tar’baraan is practically gone. All because he said too much,” she said, “Mandalore Whateverhisnameis finally did them in. Fun part is the remaining members of the clan all ran right into the arms of Clan Algron. Now you know anyone we both would have known who would have benefitted from that?”


It took him longer than he would have liked to think of the person’s name, “That Rynne girl?”


“Exactly. And no favors owed I bet, because Tacim screwed up. So, Vin, don’t screw up.” She rose to leave, “You’ll pay my bill alright.”


He watched her leave. Azìrel knew a lot more than she was willing to tell him, and it worried him. Shadow seemed more dangerous than he had thought, much more cautious too. He sat in the booth for a while longer. It might be best to drop this search for now and try to enjoy his retirement, and not deal with this until Shadow called in that favor.











Reading Others T3: 1 (33)



Tier 1

- Intel T4: 1 (64)

- Bribe T2:1 (12)


Tier 2

- Infiltration T2: 1 (24)



Schematics T2:1 (12)



Resources T1:5 (5)



Edited by karadron
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And now the moment that you've so not been waiting for, my leader:




Character Name: “Shadow”


Profession- Leader of the Veil

Species- Unknown

Gender- Unknown

Age: Unknown

Height: Unknown

Hair: Unknown

Eyes: Unknown


Clothing- Unknown






1. Unknown


3. Unknown




1. Experienced Intelligence Handler: This character has experience in the handling of intelligence, giving them a boost in knowing what is important intel that they can exploit or sell.

2. Secretive: This character retains an aura of secrecy about them, making them seem like more than they are as well as next to impossible to locate or learn about.

3. Well Connected: Despite keeping their identity a secret Shadow maintains a deeply connected network to achieve their goals. Knowing everything they can about who works for them and who they may wish to do business with.




Short Bio:










Reading Others T3: 1 (33)



Tier 1

- Intel T4: 1 (64)

- Bribe T2:1 (12)


Tier 2

- Infiltration T2: 1 (24)



Schematics T2:1 (12)



Resources T1:5 (5)


Really what was the point of even posting a leader if this is all your going to do.Also I think starting Faction leaders Should have to have all their information posted its OOC knowledge not IC so it should be posted.


Side note:Am assuming you sent Sil the all the information so he know about you character.This is kinda unfair since he have a faction so he will know who you are.

Edited by Jarons
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Really what was the point of even posting a leader if this is all your going to do.Also I think starting Faction leaders Should have to have all their information posted its OOC knowledge not IC so it should be posted.


Side note:Am assuming you sent Sil the all the information so he know about you character.This is kinda unfair since he have a faction so he will know who you are.

I agree with J. I mean, the alias I can understand. Being vague in the psychological or biography section I could also get to an extent (heck I did both in a limited capacity on my own characters) but to start with an unknown leader is ridiculous. Heck even the EV, the most unknown faction ever, had a lot of OOC info for people to check up on. Even when I did mysterious characters (barring Keira early on) they still had quite a bit of useful info in their psychological or biography page...


So yeah that's two votes in opposition. I want to at least see some type of description and some useful information in both psychological and biography sections, please :cool:.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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Sil is the GM so it's pretty much required, faction or not.

Yes but the point is that it gives him a unfair advantage when dealing with your faction that the rest of us don't have.Their needs/should be something their about your starting Faction leader.Afterwards you don't have to tell us a thing but for the start their should be something.Even star did that with that Dar'yam even when one of his innates was that no one had information on him.Its fair karadon and shows good sportsmanship so I say just do it.



Also no way this took you three days you could have posted this with your faction than send Sil all the real stuff.Your just a tease karadon.:p

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This could be a noob question, or maybe I just didn't see it, but where is Force Illusion in the Force Power tiers? I've seen one or two abilities saying a pre-requisite is Force Illusion. I'd really appreciate any answer, thanks guys. :)


It's not in there indeed.

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Let's hear. If it's the Secura thing I already know. :D

No no no but PM me that secura stuff if you don't mind.


No but I been playing star Wars Galactic Hero's and in the game they have a star system to say how good that Character is and in the game Kit Fisto is a 2 star character while Plo Koon is a 3.So this prove that Plo Koon is better.:p

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No no no but PM me that secura stuff if you don't mind.


No but I been playing star Wars Galactic Hero's and in the game they have a star system to say how good that Character is and in the game Kit Fisto is a 2 star character while Plo Koon is a 3.So this prove that Plo Koon is better.:p


Really, arguing with game mechanics? Tut, tut. :p

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