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That said... What would people say if the DU went to Naboo and killed thousands of Gungans?


Rhetorical, of course! :d_wink:

As long as you defeat Darth Jar Jar am perfectly fine with that.


Side note:Star will am look forward to seeing the end results.

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The Shadow Order


Style: Militaristic, Honorable, Aggressive,Works from the shadows.


Influenced By: Galactic Republic, The old Republic,Jedi and Sith, Baren-Do Sage,The Rebel Alliance



Faction Trait 1: Members of the Shadow order blend a fine line between the Light side of the force and the Dark.Keeping a Balanced between the two.Studying every aspect of both side.Bonus to the faction knowledge of the force and its applications.


Faction Trait 2: While not Every member of the Order is a force user the Vast majority of the Non Force user are trained warriors who fight alongside and against their gifted Comrades.Through years of training to protect their home. They have learned to trust their Force sensitive brothers in arms and if need be how to stop them.Increased Loyalty to the Faction,Discipline and combat abilities against force users.


Faction Trait 3: . Exiles: Having been exiled by the Jedi orders, The Shadow order went into Exile to protect itself and its members.They cannot allowed their presence in the Galaxy be known or else the whole order would be placed in danger.Their experienced in doing their work from the shadows has been a boon in keeping their order hidden.Bonus to intelligence work and covering up their tracks.


Bio: The shadow order was founded Thousands of years before the Galactic Civil War.As a Branch of Force Sensitive dedicated to studying both sides of the force.The Jedi order branded then as Heretic and traitors and so the order retreated to the unknown reaches of the Galaxy.After Centuries the order continued to grew and accepting new talent into its ranks.The order would go undiscovered until the middle of the Galactic Civil War when the Empire discovered the Order location.With their Home discovered they knew they will have to fight the Empire or be destoryed.The order decided to embark on the Galaxy and defeat the Empire and spread the orders teachings on the Galaxy to hopefully bring Balance to the force and peace to the Galaxy.


Faction Goals:


1. Studying and expanding their knowledge on both sides of the force.


2. Expanding the shadow order presence in the Galaxy.


3. Ensure that the Empire is stopped and Force sensitives will no longer be hunted


Starting Fleet:Shadow Order Return Fleet


Starting Ground Force:Shadow Order Defense Forces


Shadow Order Lead:Malcolm Draco


Malcolm Apprentice Maria Marr.



Further Details:


The Shadow order is lead by a Council who leads both the Jedi order and the People.The council contain both Force user members of the Shadow order and Political leaders of the non Gifted population.


Edited by Jarons
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Name: Cyar'ika Empress Cara Ali'nar Nliste IV

Profession: Empress of the Imperial Clans

Species: Chiss

Gender: Female

Clothing: Slim purple dress and a flowing, large white fur robe with a large hood, made from Jakobeast’s fur.

Items: Corellian Sand Panther pet, purple-bladed Interlocking-hilt saberstaff,

WESTAR-34 blaster pistol


Physical traits: a scar runs from the front top left of her hip bone across and diagonally up her left side. She has an Aloriya symbol tattooed on her neck, and an intricate (personalized) design across her back

Age: 24

Skin: light blue

Complexion: freckled (good general idea of the face)

Hair: black, almost shoulder-length

Eyes: dark red

Build: (similar to this) toned muscles

Height: 5’ 11”

Weight: 155 lbs.


Psychological details:


She is enigmatic, little is known about the Empress.


From all appearances she is a capable leader descended from a dynastic line stretching back several generations that has led the Imperial Clans. She typically keeps to herself, preferring to leave the general administration to the individual clans. She has however, been certain to exert her influence periodically in order to ensure she maintains control. This political astuteness has earned her a reputation as a formidable politician.


Yet politics are not her only strong suit. She takes her people’s culture very seriously, having gone through the most rigorous trials her people have ever developed. She developed a keen understanding of the force, and endures a strict martial training regimen daily.



She was born in space. Her parents were aristocrats of the Aloriya clan in the Wanderer Fleet. When she was a child her parents raised her as all parents in the Morríghan Clans do and at the age of 5 she started undergoing rigid mental and physical training designed to teach her how to survive in any environment. She quickly began mastering situations that most of her age were expected to fail at. By the time of her 7th birthday she was inducted into the Preservers. There she continued to hone her mental and physical tolerance and stamina, while also learning how to embrace and manipulate the force as the Preservers do.


After a decade she'd surpassed all expectations. However, when she turned 19 her parent's fleet was ambushed by Republic when it was mistaken for a CIS fleet. The CIS fleet the Republic ships had thought they were tracking then entered the system soon after and a blood three-way struggle erupted in which the CIS and Republic managed to annihilate 97% of the Wanderer Fleet. Cara had been leading her marital section of the fleet in another corner of the galaxy when the attack occurred. Her success and status as the highest ranking member of the Chiss's Aloriya Clan society put her in position to assume the Imperial title with the full support of the other clans who had survived.


Since then she has led the Imperial Clans of Morríghan.




Space Tactics:

Tier 1

- Star Fighters: R3, L1 (33)

- Capital Ships: R3, L1 (33)



Tier 1

- Reading Others: R2, L1 (12)


Lightsaber Forms


Form I - Shii Cho** M1, L2 (free)

Form VI- Niman* M1, L1 (free)


-Form II- Makashi* M1, L1 (free)

-Form III- Soresu* M1, L1 (free)

-Form IV- Ataru* M1, L1 (free)

-Form V- Shien / Djem So* M1, L1 (free)


--Form VII- Juyo M2 (45)

-- Jar'Kai: M1, L3 (18)




Force speed* M1, L1 (free)

Force cloak* M1, L1 (free)

Force stealth* M1, L1 (free)

Force sight* M1, L1 (free)

Farseeing* M1, L1 (free)

Force empathy* M1, L1 (free)

Telepathy* M1, L1 (free)

Telekinesis* M1, L1 (free)

Force Jump/Leap* M1, L1 (free)

Force Pull/Push* M1, L1 (free)





Tutaminis* M1, L4 (9)




Force Persuasion* M1, L1 (free)


- Levitation* M1, L1 (free)

- Force Projection* M1, L1 (free)


-- Force defend* M1, L1 (free)

-- Cleanse mind* M1, L1 (free)


--- Moving Meditation* M1, L1 (free)

--- Center of being* M1, L1 (free)




Force rage* M1, L1 (free)

Force scream* M1, L1 (free)

Force Slow* M1, L1 (free)

Force wound* M1, L1 (free)


- Force Fear* M1, L1 (free)


Edited by StarSquirrel
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Imperial Clans of the Morríghan

Style: Survivalists, Nomads, Isolationist, Inclusive, Structured


Influenced By: Chiss, Mandalore, Bothawui, Zeison Sha, Sith Empire, Corellia


#1 Space Nomads: They’ve travelled the galaxy and made friends along the way. After nearly three centuries, they have free passage agreements with all the major native powers of the galaxy permitting them safe, unrestricted access across borders.


#2 Survivalists: The dedication to survival as a central tenet of their ideology gives them incredible internal fortitude. Clan troops will fight more fiercely than ever when faced with imminent defeat. They won’t fight to win, but to survive (escape or repel) more will survive than would otherwise be expected.


#3. Scavengers: Without a home planet or base of operations, the Imperial Clans have had to learn to reverse engineer technology wherever they can to keep pace with the galaxy. This has lead to the Clans becoming experts at learning and modifying new technology as they acquire it. It is however, more difficult to develop completely new ideas.



An empire of cultures as opposed to an empire of territory, the Imperial Clans consists of the 9 cultures bound under the rule of the Aloriya Clan. Each clan represents a unique culture in the galaxy. Under the Imperial Clan system, they retain significant local-level autonomy while submitting to the rule of the Empress in foreign, imperial, and military affairs.


They devoutly adhere to the Core Principles of Survival, which espouse the belief that the greatest achievement of any species, culture, or person is to survive the perpetual chaos of the galaxy regardless of the necessary steps involved. Ideologically, they don’t seek power or wealth but merely the means to control their own fates and ensure their own or their people’s survival. Practically it also means all must test their limits and show how prepared they are for life’s hardships by honing their minds and bodies to withstand any conditions. They all have pushed their species biology to the absolute extremes ensuring the most conditioned population possible.


1. Aloriya Clan: Chiss (Empire)

2. Oblivyn Clan: Corellian Humans and Selonians (Republic/Matriarchy)

3. Syren Clan: Echani (Matriarchy)

4. Marecye Clan: Mandalorians (Chiefdom)

5. Ar'krai Clan: Bothan (Council)

6. Clades Clan: Droids (Technocracy)

7. Mythil Clan: Draethos (Council)

8. Valcarii Clan: Icarii (Matriarchy)

9. Terros Clan: Sith/Human Hybrids (Meritocracy)


* the () indicates type of leadership in the Clan not an affiliation with an NPC


The Morríghan have been a nomadic group, wandering the galaxy for millennia. They were founded by a group of exiles from a planet in the unknown regions. The members of that species have since maintained the strictest of confidentiality around their identity. Many of the other clans are formed from cultures well known in the wider galaxy and so don’t maintain the same level of secrecy. The Morríghan as a people continue a tradition of nomadic life founded by their families for countless generations before them. The nature of their work, and the various interplanetary and intergalactic wars they’ve been forced to endure has whittled their numbers in recently years. However it has also strengthened their resolve immensely. Now, a new Empress takes hold of the reigns of power after the loss of 97% of the Wanderer Fleet. She holds the survivors together, and seeks out new allies. Revenge will be sought, progress will be made, and the survival of the Morríghan will be garunteed.



Faction Goals:

1. Survive

2. Maintain unity among the clans

3. Incorporate other cultures into the clans


Starting Army/Fleet: The Morríghan Clan Fleet


Leaders: Cyar'ika Empress Cara Ali'nar Nliste IV


Special Details.



Also, interesting tidbit: the Morrighan refers to "Phantom Queen" which could be seen as a reference to my very private Empress.


It also refers to three Irish goddesses of war and there are three Matriarchal Clans...


Morrighan can also refer to an individual goddess of war who takes the form of a crow and sees the battlefield from above, and my faction is always in space...


Mar'ecye is a Mando'a word meaning "discovery"

Ar'krai is a Bothese word meaning "genocidal war"

Clades is a Latin word for "destruction, disaster, calamity"

Oblivyn is the Old Corellian word for "nothing"

Aloriya is a Mandalorian word meaning "capital"


The Selonians are the majority in the Oblivyn Clan, and they provide the majority of the soldiers. As such, the Corellian Humans govern themselves but submit ultimately to the Selonians in many respects. This relationship has caused little tension, but remains tender among some Corellians despite the Selonians discomfort with the arrangement and perpetual acquiescence to the Corellians. This relationships stays in good favor partly through goodwill, partly through respect, and partly through the Empress’s strategic handling of the few disputes that come up between them.


The Valcarii Clan was saved only a few decades before the Empire wiped out their planet and killed the rest of their species. It was believed they were all dead, but this is the only remaining pocket of this species left in existence.


Edited by StarSquirrel
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I will admit I did not expect this Star.This has to be the most interesting faction introduce so far.I also can't wait to see how this character plays out.


Side note:I didn't know we can have pet?That's really Cool this just give me the Inspiration I need for a character I been working on.

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Ok 2 questions:


1. How do we handle our starting troops training? How many weeks of training can they have?


2. This will be a real noob question, because I did zero intel in 1.0, but how do we get our agents/infiltrators/spies to their destination? I ask, because J and Star both have thousands of agents/infiltrators/spies, but no ships that I think would be suitable to get them to their destination.

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Well you see when it comes to that I find the perfect counter weight that they should be allowed since we won't have access to planets for a long time to build a factory.I won't be able to replace them.So those 500 should be allowed.


There literally are millions of planets out there that arent even inhabited. Of course taking over a planet with a sizeable population, established government, affiliation to a larger faction and a notable economy and wealth will be difficult, but if all you need is some random place to set up a factory, Im pretty sure that there are loads of planets that you can take over with no one even noticing. How do you think the Rebels survived as long as they did?

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Ok 2 questions:


1. How do we handle our starting troops training? How many weeks of training can they have?


2. This will be a real noob question, because I did zero intel in 1.0, but how do we get our agents/infiltrators/spies to their destination? I ask, because J and Star both have thousands of agents/infiltrators/spies, but no ships that I think would be suitable to get them to their destination.


Mostly public transports I guess.

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Data Ciphers: Due to all of them being droids, free of organic masters, they have evolved to be quite adept at manipulating and breaking codes. Hacking proficiency.


I must say that this one kinda scares me.


Also another question how exactly does the DU define "free" droids? For example many less complex droids such as labor or basic battle droids probably dont have the processing power to even comprehend freedom and free choice or to do anything else then what they would usually do after they are freed. For example a battle droid will be programmed to fight, so fighting is all that it can do, so even when it has the free decision, Id reckon it would continue fighting, because that is all that it knows how to do.

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Alright, so I think I finally worked out all the kinks I was having...


Space & Ground Forces


Feel free to ask questions, I'll start off by stating that EVO refers to the EVO stormtroopers so expect that level of skill. Any small-sized forces outside the scouts correlate with their Rebel Alliance SpecForce equivalent.


I haven't released the species of each clan, that will come with the full faction post which I might have done sometime this week.


Starting Fleet:


Capital ships + fighter complements (per ship)


9 Action VI Transports Civilian Living Adapted [51,840]


9 Imperial II-class frigates [360,000]

- 36 E-wings

- 36 Aureks


1 SotA Nova-class Battle Cruisers [52,000]

- 12 Aureks

- 6 K-wings


44 Ferret-class [11,088]


Fighter totals:

324 E-wings [10,044]

336 Aureks [9,408]

18 Ferret-class [4,536]

6 K-wings [960]



Starting Units:

Aloriya (Imperial II-class) [Light Survivalist Infantry]


- 10,000 Aloriya EVO Troopers (4,400 complement + 5,600 cargo)

- 10,100 Basilisk War Droids (40,400 cargo)

- 100 Aloriya Pathfinders (100 cargo)

- 100 Aloriya Preservers (100 cargo)


Oblivyn (Imperial II-class) [Droid Support Force]


- 5,000 Oblyvian EVO troopers (4,400 complement + 600 cargo)

- 5,000 Sith war droid Mark I (20,000 cargo)

- 1,000 Dwarf Spider Droids (10,000)

- 10,000 H-1ME battle mechanic droids (10,000)

- 25,000 droid spare parts (5,000)

- 750 Oblivyn Engineers (750)


Syren (Imperial II-class) [intelligence & Support Vessel]


- 10,000 Syren EVO Troopers (4,400 complement + 5,600 cargo)

- 1,000 Syren Agents (1,000)

- 1,000 Syren Propagandists (500)

- 2,000 Syren Counterintelligence Agents (2,000)

- 2,000 Syren Slicers (2,000)

- 5,000 Syren Analysts (10,000)

- 5,000 Syren Combat Agents (5,000)

- 5,000 Clades Chameleon Droids (20,000)

- 250 Syren Infiltrators (250)


Marecye (Imperial II-class) [standard Assault Infantry]


- 7,000 Neo Crusader Troopers (4,400 + 2,600)

- 3,000 Neo Crusader Shock Troopers (6,000)

- 3,000 Basilisk War Droids (12,000)

- 500 High-Altitude Entry Transport-221 (25,000)

- 500 Valcarii Scouts (250)

- 500 CK-6 Swoops (500)


Ar'krai (Imperial II-class) [Naval Combat Infantry]


- 10,000 Ar’krai Marine (4,400 complement + 5,600 cargo)

- 10,100 Basilisk War Droids (40,400 cargo)

- 100 Ar’krai SpaceOps Marines (100 cargo)


Clades (Imperial II-class) [Droid Infantry Forces]


- 20,000 Sentinel Droids (4,400 + 5,600 cargo)

- 5,000 Sith war droid Mark I (20,000 cargo)

- 1,000 Incinerator Droid (4,000)

- 1,000 Carbonite Droid (4,000)

- 1,000 Dwarf Spider Droids (10,000)

- 1,000 Droidekas (2,000)

- 3750 spare parts (750)


Mythil (Imperial II-class) [Command and Communication] {complement converted to cargo}


- 2,300 Mythil EVO Communication Troopers (2,300)

- 700 Mythil EVO Commanders (700)

- 100 PX-4 Mobile Command Base (20,000)

- 100 LAAT/c (4,000)

- 150 CK-6 Swoops (150)

- 90 LAAT/i (3,600)

- 400 High-Altitude Entry Transport-221 (20,000)



Valcarii (Imperial II-class) [standard Infantry Force]


- 7,000 Valcarii EVO troopers (4,400 + 2,600)

- 3,000 Valcarii EVO Heavy Troopers (6,000)

- 300 LAAT/i (12,000)

- 500 High-Altitude Entry Transport-221 (25,000)

- 500 Valcarii Scouts (250)

- 500 CK-6 Swoops (500)


Terros (Imperial II-class) [standard Infantry Force]


- 7,000 Terros EVO troopers (4,400 + 2,600)

- 3,000 Terros EVO Heavy Troopers (6,000)

- 300 LAAT/i (12,000)

- 500 High-Altitude Entry Transport-221 (25,000)

- 500 Terros Scouts (250)

- 500 CK-6 Swoops (500)


Sentinel (Nova-class) [Flagship]


- 700 Ar’krai SpaceOps Marines (600 complement + 100 cargo)

- 1,000 H-1ME battle mechanic droids (500 cargo space)


x44 Ferret-class [Recon]

- 1 Viper probe droid (each)




-Each of the Imperial II-class Frigates are named after a clan. Each clan has a different dominant species/culture. That is why each type of trooper has a Clan designation, an armor designation, and a type/job designation.


-The roles denoted by the brackets next to the ship name describe the ship's loadout and role/specialization.


- All droids are (by default) from the Clades Clan regardless of where they're based except the basilisks.

If you could provide a total at the end that would be cool.

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Ok 2 questions:


1. How do we handle our starting troops training? How many weeks of training can they have?


2. This will be a real noob question, because I did zero intel in 1.0, but how do we get our agents/infiltrators/spies to their destination? I ask, because J and Star both have thousands of agents/infiltrators/spies, but no ships that I think would be suitable to get them to their destination.

Basically we do what e did in 1.0 look at the unit production list and give our troops training.Sil said at the start they can only have basic training until you build a academy to diversify their training.


To answer your second question its really rather simple we can pretty much use any ship we want.To transport our Agents their but getting them planetSide in 2.0 should be different. Most planet allow visitors unless its being Blockaded be a enemy Faction.So sending a ship their to visits and having some of its "crew"Slip out wouldn't be that difficult and now o have some people planet side gathering Intel for me.


Side note:This really shouldn't have Worked on Gall since I freaken closed access to the planet and everyone coming in or out should have been checked but no Karadom Agenfts still made it through which is still BS.

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There literally are millions of planets out there that arent even inhabited. Of course taking over a planet with a sizeable population, established government, affiliation to a larger faction and a notable economy and wealth will be difficult, but if all you need is some random place to set up a factory, Im pretty sure that there are loads of planets that you can take over with no one even noticing. How do you think the Rebels survived as long as they did?

Dude Random come om man.Just go with th . Nonsense at times it helped everyone.:p


Also the Rebel alliance had powerful backers we have ourselves we are going to have to pull ourselves up with our own bootstraps.No one is on our side butus so taken planets without Breathable atmosphere will be difficult.Money will be low so building a factory and finding workers will also be difficult.

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Just thought I should ask, how do the ground tactics skills work in accordance to the new ground combat system?

Sil explained this but pretty much how tactical your Ground Commander will determined how many troops you lose and how successful your plans go.Let's say you need to Siege a Imperial Enclave and you also want to attack a power plant.


If your Ground Commander have no points in Siege the Siege of the Enclave will not go well but if he have a lot of points in let's say Skirmish he will be able to roll over the Power Plant.


Having no points in Ground tactics only works for Star because how his faction is sit up and how I believe they will mainly be space fairing. You will need points their or you can be destroyed by a smaller force with better tactics.

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Also so no one have nothing to say about my Faction am hurt.:(


Its all about Star and his Super cool faction.Its because his leader a Girl isn't I see how it is.


No one knows about yours. It's like we all get amnesia... almost as if some sneaky force-wielder is mind rubbing us each time so as to hide your faction until *bam* it shows up with a massive fleet and army right behind us.


In all seriousness, seems like a force-cult which is something I don't think anyone has gone for yet so kudos. However I imagine neither the Sith nor Jedi will like you much...


Also, you're fleet would get steamrolled by just about everyone at the start, but those ground forces are... ouch...

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Sil explained this but pretty much how tactical your Ground Commander will determined how many troops you lose and how successful your plans go.Let's say you need to Siege a Imperial Enclave and you also want to attack a power plant.


If your Ground Commander have no points in Siege the Siege of the Enclave will not go well but if he have a lot of points in let's say Skirmish he will be able to roll over the Power Plant.


Having no points in Ground tactics only works for Star because how his faction is sit up and how I believe they will mainly be space fairing. You will need points their or you can be destroyed by a smaller force with better tactics.

Thanks J, I'm trying to decide if I should reallocate some of my points.

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