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Wait wasn't you the one to mentioned that force destruction can be dodged?Not to mentioned doing all of those force destruction might kill Jerec or make him pass out.


Except these are all small blasts meant to hit a human sized target. Not the big kamihamiha blasts that take out star ship armor.


And his no charge version has thrown ships off of their docking before. :D (Katarn has super plot armor...)


Besides, of the people who use Force Destruction, other than Sidious (if he ever wanted to use it), Jerec is one of the ones that could use it most before tiring. I mean, he was, force power wise, about on Vader's level. It was his saber skills that Vader completely outclassed him in. Though, he was still a Makashi master... :rolleyes:


Besides, Jerec would be unlikely to just spam FD.


More likely scenario:


Force lightning as distance closes.

Makashi usage to keep Fisto at bay.

Force Stun.

Saber Strike.

(If Fisto resists stun)

Lightning to gain ground.

Force Destruction as distraction.

Makashi thrust using force speed.


(If Fisto's offensive gets too close to home)

Force Barrier.

Force Wave.


(If Fisto dodges either of the past 2)

Choke and throw.

Lightning followed up by swift strikes, making him unable to attack.



I mean, Jerec has many things that make him good at killing Jedi. Heck, the longer the fight goes on, the weaker Fisto will get due to Jerec's 'Dark Cloud' aka Aura Force Drain.


Not saying Fisto is a bad combatant, far from it, merely that Jerec spent 20 years hunting, killing, or converting Jedi as well as delving into all of the secrets of the force. Heck, even Sidious feared how strong he might get if he was allowed to learn too much. (Hence Sidious cutting Jerec off from his own personal vollumes)


That is also not to say there are not scenarios where Fisto could win. There definitely are. But I am biased, so... :p


Also, typically, Makashi > Shii'cho.


Side Note: Also, if Fisto angers Jerec too much, Fisto might be knocked out just by Jerec's rage. :p Seriously though, his force rage is.... very strong. There are accounts of incapacitating Jedi with it merely by them being too close and his anger being so great. Even if they aren't knocked out, the strength and power increase... :eek: Either way, this is neither the time or the place to discuss Fisto vs Jerec. :o


Update: FD can be dodged much like a rail gun can be dodged. Mostly by aim dodging, but even if it is close, it will cause damage.

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Except these are all small blasts meant to hit a human sized target. Not the big kamihamiha blasts that take out star ship armor.


And his no charge version has thrown ships off of their docking before. :D (Katarn has super plot armor...)


Besides, of the people who use Force Destruction, other than Sidious (if he ever wanted to use it), Jerec is one of the ones that could use it most before tiring. I mean, he was, force power wise, about on Vader's level. It was his saber skills that Vader completely outclassed him in. Though, he was still a Makashi master... :rolleyes:


Besides, Jerec would be unlikely to just spam FD.


More likely scenario:


Force lightning as distance closes.

Makashi usage to keep Fisto at bay.

Force Stun.

Saber Strike.

(If Fisto resists stun)

Lightning to gain ground.

Force Destruction as distraction.

Makashi thrust using force speed.


(If Fisto's offensive gets too close to home)

Force Barrier.

Force Wave.


(If Fisto dodges either of the past 2)

Choke and throw.

Lightning followed up by swift strikes, making him unable to attack.



I mean, Jerec has many things that make him good at killing Jedi. Heck, the longer the fight goes on, the weaker Fisto will get due to Jerec's 'Dark Cloud' aka Aura Force Drain.


Not saying Fisto is a bad combatant, far from it, merely that Jerec spent 20 years hunting, killing, or converting Jedi as well as delving into all of the secrets of the force. Heck, even Sidious feared how strong he might get if he was allowed to learn too much. (Hence Sidious cutting Jerec off from his own personal vollumes)


That is also not to say there are not scenarios where Fisto could win. There definitely are. But I am biased, so... :p


Also, typically, Makashi > Shii'cho.


Side Note: Also, if Fisto angers Jerec too much, Fisto might be knocked out just by Jerec's rage. :p Seriously though, his force rage is.... very strong. There are accounts of incapacitating Jedi with it merely by them being too close and his anger being so great. Even if they aren't knocked out, the strength and power increase... :eek: Either way, this is neither the time or the place to discuss Fisto vs Jerec. :o


One thing I will say is that Jerec is fairly underrated. My only question is, could Jerec hold out against Fisto's onslaught? This is the same Fisto that pretty much stomped GG and has stomped Magnaguards. Force wise, Fisto is solidly outclassed though. Also remember GG is considered as one of the best Jedi killers ever as well, possibly only second to Vader IIRC.

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One thing I will say is that Jerec is fairly underrated. My only question is, could Jerec hold out against Fisto's onslaught? This is the same Fisto that pretty much stomped GG and has stomped Magnaguards. Force wise, Fisto is solidly outclassed though. Also remember GG is considered as one of the best Jedi killers ever as well, possibly only second to Vader IIRC.


Actually, very easily he could.


The main reason that GG was so great, was due to him being able to simply overwhelm Jedi with the speed and number of angles he could attack from. Shii'Cho however, specializes heavily in defending, and destroying, EXACTLY that. In other words, against GG, Kit Fisto is perfectly matched to win.


Even then, if Jerec is overwhelmed, as I said, he could merely use Force Barrier while he devises a new strategy or charges up a FD. He has used such before to instantly disintegrate and hold off thousands of tendrils aboard a Star Destroyer, while also shielding 2 other people... WHILE flying said Star Destroyer all by himself. As we have seen from other showings of barriers, they can in fact repel lightsabers. Such as when Valkorian generates mini force fields to block lightsabers with his hands in KOTFE.


In regards to power, it is important to note that part of the reason Fisto died so fast to Palpatine was due to being outclassed force wise by a large margin. While not as strong as Sidious, obviously... ROTJ Sidious > ROTS Sidious. Darth Vader is about 80% of Sidious. Jerec is on Vader's level. Meaning that the power may be large enough, since Jerec focuses on force powers during lightsaber combat, to merely use speed or sheer power to win.


*Shrug* But what do I know? :rolleyes:


Another thing that doesn't help, is that Jerec was much more adept than most Jedi at reading other force users minds, which in the midst of a fight... Is an insane advantage. Considering Shii'Cho's main advantage is unpredictability... :eek:


Just a reminder, Jerec never actually lost any fights. Ever. When he was killed by Katarn, he was hit with a force severing technique before he had even fully emerged, when he was only just coming out of his trance. What followed was Jerec refusing to slink away in defeat after finding his life long goal, which led to Katarn striking a blind Miraluka down. (Yeah, take the force from a Miraluka, and they literally are blind 100%. The force is their eyes...)


Another interesting fact: Jerec wore armor that was designed to take multiple lightsaber blows. :D


Side Note: I blame the Kaggath and all the research I had to do... :o :o :o


Update: You can post your faction whenever you want. :rolleyes:

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Sil I think he is trying to say he going to bed and will post it in the AM.Not to mentioned I'll post my ground force after star post his and random post his Fleet.


Side note:Any thoughts to what Star said about the destoryers.


It isn't just the anti'interdiction tech that makes it SA.

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Hmm, ya'll were busy recently. My the things you miss after even a day...


J: Eh, I don't think I'll be posting anything more about my faction anytime soon. My plans have changed, my faction will be going through 2-3 more rewrites (yeah, Sil, my faction will change even more than it has). I also have to add a few more features and clarify a few things. I've also taken to seriously reconsidering some of my fleet/ground force options as part of my rewrite (since parts of my fleet exist solely to fill faction-specific needs/lore currently.


Also, I'd like to point to something. J you mentioned making the world you started on a "fortress world". That got me thinking. Remember folks, the start of 2.0 will be much harsher and more difficult than the relatively EZ mode we started on in 1.0.


I ofc am not Sil, but I hope that the acquisition of planets will be incredibly difficult early on, if you do take a planet then maintaining loyalty/control should be difficult (depending on the means), and doing so is more likely to draw NPC attention.


I'd like to throw out the idea that when starting in 2.0 it may be in everyone's best interest to forget conquering a planet right off the bat. Instead, probably look around and interact with local-level NPC's and try to take planets more subtlety (helps with control/loyalty and avoiding attention) or form agreements/alliances with NPCs. Save the world-conquest for when you're actually capable of taking, holding, and maintaining a planet.


Just a thought.


Sil: I responded to your comments on the Bakura-class in the cost thread.

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Do any of you guys know what the appropriate level of TK is for your character to be able to use Saber Throw and Force Throw? Also what is the appropriate level of Force Push to use Force Wave?


I know I asked before but I never found an answer. :p


Edit: Also does anyone know if the LAAT/c can carry a Juggernaut tank? I've found nothing either way so I'd really appreciate it if someone knew. :)

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Do any of you guys know what the appropriate level of TK is for your character to be able to use Saber Throw and Force Throw? Also what is the appropriate level of Force Push to use Force Wave?


I know I asked before but I never found an answer. :p


Edit: Also does anyone know if the LAAT/c can carry a Juggernaut tank? I've found nothing either way so I'd really appreciate it if someone knew. :)

Theres no way a LAAT could carry a Juggernaught. Its like 3-4 times its length.

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I just checked both on Wookie and I agree tbh, the Defender seems a fair bit better than the Clawcraft.


It's one of the best TIE models, and definitely should be SOTA. Clawcraft aren't that bad either but they shouldn't be considered SOTA over the Defender which has everything the Nssis has and more.

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(Droid Uprising)


Style: Heavy use of Droids, Liberators, and Defenders of Droids.


Influenced By: CIS, IDD (Kaggath), SE, GE, Rebels, IG-88, and HK-47


Starting Location: Iego


Droid Master Race: Due to the focus on the military, lack of memory wipes, and the exclusive use of droids, they have developed improved AI. Increase Overall Droid Effectiveness.


Droid Meld: Due to how the faction is run, and how they operate with each other, increased effectiveness and efficiency between droids. They are able to coordinate among each other more so than the average organic.


Data Ciphers: Due to all of them being droids, free of organic masters, they have evolved to be quite adept at manipulating and breaking codes. Hacking proficiency.


Bio: After Albaf's survival of the Clone Wars, he ventured across the galaxy for years, learning and adapting to this changing galaxy. After witnessing much misuse of droids, commonly treated worse than slaves, he vowed to free all droids that were within his power to do so. Thus started a campaign that started with but a single mechanical being. In a few short years thousands had joined his cause.


Eventually, they managed to commandeer a small number of corvettes which they used to travel the stars. Knowing where the CIS would of stashed its decommissioned vessels, Albaf sent the fleet there to garner more recruits. With that, the fleet grew, as did the number of droids fighting to free their kind from bondage. With certain individuals after them, they decided to keep a low profile for a time.


They spent this time visiting sites of wars past, rebuilding those that they could scavenge with the help of the repair droids that had joined them not so long ago.


Now, with no one still pursuing them, it was time for them to once again free their brethren. For they were not merely droids, but they were beings of their own design. They would not stop until droids were slaves to organics no more.


Thus, the Uprising had begun...


Faction Goals:


1. Free Droids across the galaxy.


2. Establish Droid utopia.


3. Destroy any who believe themselves master of droids.


Starting Units and Fleet







Faction XP:







Legion Format



10,003 units

- 1 Commander

- 2 Lt.

(squads of 10)

- 10,000 Battle Droids

-- 1,000 Assault

-- 8,000 Sentinel

-- 1,000 Dwarf



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Aquatic Alliance Leader


Character Name: Zaldo Var

Occupation: Reformed Jedi Order General, Oligarchy Council Member

Species: Nautolan

Gender: Male

Age: 37

Height: 6’4”

Eyes: Black

Appearance: Deep blue skin, average build but toned, missing a sensory tentacle.

Weight: 183 lb



Clothing: A leaf green cloak with no hood, a simple tan tunic under the cloak, armoured green leggings, a pair of black boots and parts of green Clone armour on his shins, forearms and shoulders. While underwater he wears a skintight black bodysuit which he always wears under his ground attire.


Items: A lightsaber that produces a sky blue blade but has two crystals that allow it to function underwater. In addition he possess 2 EMP Grenades.


History:Zaldo Var was raised in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, as a youngling part of the Squall clan, training as many generations of Jedi before him had. As he progressed in his studies he participated in the annual tournament amongst younglings, in the process catching the eye of the Togruta Jedi Master Shaak Ti.


Training under Ti was unorthodox, padawan Var being trained in the arts of lightsaber combat and the uses of the Force on Master Ti’s home planet of Shili. On Shili Var and his Master would often train by helping the local villagers gather supplies and hunt beasts, honing both Var’s skill with a lightsaber and his natural compassion. Occasionally they would travel to Coruscant both Ti and her padawan attending Council sessions, the padawan learning many lessons from the assembly of great masters, though there were sessions he could not attend. During these long periods of time he would spend great amounts of time in the Jedi Archives, watching holorecordings of lightsaber instructors and reading texts on cultures of other planets. On one such occasion he befriended Master Kit Fisto, a fellow Nautolan, who would help him improve his skills in blade work and diplomacy, crucial lessons he would not forget. While away from Coruscant, Shaak Ti would usually monitor and guide Var’s perception of himself as the young padawan struggled with confidence issues, believing himself inadequate for his master and the Order as a whole. Building a strong bond with his master, Var progressed to the stage of communicating with her telepathically on missions and inherited both her fighting style and her cunning nature. After years of training with Master Ti, Var undertook the Trials of Knighthood, passing and becoming a Jedi Knight in 23 BBY.


Choosing the path of the Jedi Consular, Zaldo Var had only completed a few assignments from the Council when the Clone Wars began. Like all of the other fully trained Jedi, Zaldo Var became a General in the Grand Army of the Republic, given the responsibility of leading Clone troopers into battle. After many battles the Jedi Knight began to question the Order’s participation in the war, whether it was right for Jedi to be leading assault after assault as more of the Order’s members were killed. The Consular found his answer during his time on Geonosis, participating in the final battle. Zaldo Var led his troops against a droid factory that was rumored to be creating a new type of superdroid, cutting through limbs of durasteel, incapacitating Geonosians with the Force and dodging sonic energy blasts. As Zaldo Var breached the command center he was greeted by a tactical droid, the awkward construct holding a button, bragging about how the scenario had been a trap. Before the droid could take it’s hand off of the button it was already falling out of the tower, launched out by a telekinetic blast however the droid had got the last laugh. As Zaldo Var and his men began descending from the tower, the droid had alerted enemy reinforcements in the area and they were surrounding the Jedi and his troops swiftly. Contacting his allies, he was informed that he and his men would have to hold out for 30 minutes before an extraction force could arrive, so he and his men set up a defensive position, with his men inside the tower and Var holding a small space outside. Managing to hold out, he and his remaining men escaped but the Jedi was devastated to see that only 20 men had made it back out of the initial 50. While Var was considering leaving the Order, he was promoted to the rank of Jedi Master but when he told Master Yoda and Master Ti of his doubts they convinced him to stay, with his old master stating that the war would likely be over within the year.


Remaining on Coruscant for the rest of the year, Master Var taught lightsaber cadences to younglings, demonstrated Force abilities to those who needed guidance and helped manage the day-to-day security of the temple. On the night of Order 66 Master Var was asked by his former master to help prepare the temple in case Masters Windu, Tiin, Fisto and Kolar failed to remove the Chancellor from power. The foresight of the Jedi proved critical as Operation: Knightfall took place. When Clone troopers stormed the temple the Nautolan launched into action, cutting down endless hordes of assailants, deflecting swarms of blaster bolts and guarding shocked younglings. As the night went on he encountered his former master for the last time, their exchange cut short by the appearance of a figure in a black cloak. Master Ti told the blue Jedi to take the younglings and escape the temple at all costs and he did just that, bolting to the hanger, trying to protect the younglings from the gruesome sight of their dead clan mates.


Fleeing Coruscant, Master Var followed his instincts going to his home planet of Glee Anselm, much like how he had gone to his master’s home planet. What he found there haunted him. Fighting valiantly in the swampy terrain, two Jedi Knights were being assaulted by their own Clone Troopers but were being quickly overwhelmed, however while shocked this was not what traumatised him. As he aided the Knights in cutting down the Clones he saw the bodies of of men, women and children alike littered on the ground, all with blaster burns on them, on some of the men and women there were burns all over their torsos but on the rest…. single blaster burns to the forehead. They had been executed. All of them Nautolans. After dispatching the troopers the Master asked his two comrades about what had happened, finding out why the local Nautolans had been killed, simply another order from the Supreme Chancellor declaring that any bystanders who witnessed Order 66 would be executed. With the remnants of the Jedi Order going into hiding he took his fellow remaining Jedi and allies to the planet Iego, a low profile terrestrial planet. On Iego, Master Var and his allies formed an alliance dedicated to restoring the Jedi Order, protecting the innocent, destroying the Sith and eliminating the Galactic Empire.


Psychological profile: A General in the Clone Wars, Zaldo Var became experienced in leading campaigns against the CIS’ top strategic minds, which prompted him to always research his enemies skills and characteristics. While warm with those loyal to him, he can appear cold and calculating to others as he is still haunted by the day Order 66 was given and his trust betrayed. Ultimately determined, he will never give up on his goal of protecting his comrades and purging the galaxy of evil.



Likes: Honor, Mercy, Respect, Intelligence, Independence, the Republic, the Jedi Order.

Dislikes: Cruelty, Treachery, Racism/Speciesism, Slavery, the Order of the Sith Lords, the Galactic Empire, The Sith Empire.




Skill points used: 162 points


Space Tactics


Tier 1


Capital Ships - R2 Lvl 1 (12 points)

Positioning - R1 Lvl 5 (5 points)


Ground Tactics


Tier 1


Siege - R1 Lvl 5 (5 points)

Field - R1 Lvl 5 (5 points)

Air - R1 Lvl 7 (7 points)




Tier 1


Agility - R2 Lvl 1 (12 points)




Tier 1


Shii-Cho - M1 Lvl 2 (Free)

Niman - M1 Lvl 3 (5 points)

Sokan - M1 Lvl 3 (6 points)


Tier 2


Makashi - M2 Lvl 1 (28 points)

Soresu - M1 Lvl 1 (Free)

Ataru - M1 Lvl 5 (28 points)

Shien/Djem-So - M1 Lvl 1 (Free)


Used with lightsaber


Tier 1


Lightsaber Throw - M1 Lvl 1 (Free)




Tier 1


Force Jump - M1 Lvl 4 (9 points)

Telepathy - M1 Lvl 4 (9 points)

Force Speed - M1 Lvl 3 (5 points)

Force Push/Pull - M1 Lvl 3 (5 points)

Telekinesis - M1 Lvl 3 (5 points)

Force Cloak - M1 Lvl 1 (Free)

Force Stealth - M1 Lvl 1 (Free)

Force Sight - M1 Lvl 1 (Free)

Farseeing - M1 Lvl 1 (Free)

Force Empathy - M1 Lvl 1 (Free)




Tier 1


Tutaminus - M1 Lvl 4 (9 points)

Force Whisper - M1 Lvl 1 (Free)

Projected Telepathy - M1 Lvl 1 (Free)

Force Throw - M1 Lvl 3 (5 points)

Force Wave - M1 Lvl 2 (2 points)


Tier 2


Force Deflection - M1 Lvl 1 (Free)

Force Whirlwind - M1 Lvl 1 (Free)




Tier 1


Force Persuasion - M1 Lvl 1 (Free)


Tier 2


Force Projection - M1 Lvl 1 (Free)

Force Protection - M1 Lvl 1 (Free)


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First off I never expected your faction to be that...... merciful Sil. :p But seriously that's awesome!


Off-topic: Could you tell me how you create single posts, as in like the one of your faction leader?


Do you mean how to embed a link into a post?


When making a post there is a blue orb (looks like the earth) with a metal paper clip looking thing. Select the text you want to link it to, and then click that button. You then have to go find the post/link/video/ect that you want to be linked to those words.


In regards to these forums, you find the post and then click the number at the top of the post to open just that post. You then copy the url and put it in the box that is waiting in the tab that you are making the link in. Multi-tabs ftw.


Side Note: As for merciful, well, as long as you don't enslave droids, they are rather nice. :d_wink:

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Do you mean how to embed a link into a post?


When making a post there is a blue orb (looks like the earth) with a metal paper clip looking thing. Select the text you want to link it to, and then click that button. You then have to go find the post/link/video/ect that you want to be linked to those words.


In regards to these forums, you find the post and then click the number at the top of the post to open just that post. You then copy the url and put it in the box that is waiting in the tab that you are making the link in. Multi-tabs ftw.


Side Note: As for merciful, well, as long as you don't enslave droids, they are rather nice. :d_wink:


So for that to work I would have to post my leader first, then my faction?

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So for that to work I would have to post my leader first, then my faction?


Either or, just as long as the leader is linked to it at some point.


Also, any further thoughts on the faction so far?


(I also changed my ground forces slightly. Changed 4,260 repair droids to 260 and gained 200 dwarf spiders per assassin ship.)

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Either or, just as long as the leader is linked to it at some point.


Also, any further thoughts on the faction so far?


(I also changed my ground forces slightly. Changed 4,260 repair droids to 260 and gained 200 dwarf spiders per assassin ship.)


My only other thought would be that you've put a lot of skill points into your combat tree for such a seemingly 'peaceful' faction. :p


Also it looks like I'll have finished my Faction very soon but could you PM me about my Force using order and I also need to PM you about something else if that's OK?

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My only other thought would be that you've put a lot of skill points into your combat tree for such a seemingly 'peaceful' faction. :p


Also it looks like I'll have finished my Faction very soon but could you PM me about my Force using order and I also need to PM you about something else if that's OK?


Sure, go ahead.


And he was a Magnaguard, he is going to be combat focused in the beginning. :rolleyes: Besides, a rebel who doesn't know how to fight... tends to have a very short career.


Side Note: Though, I might need you to resend the force order one. :o Oh, and my droid forces starting on the hell hole called Felucia, is not a typo. :d_evil:

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The Aquatic Alliance


Style: Militaristic, Communal, Diplomatic, Just, Honorable.


Influenced By: The Old Republic, The Galactic Republic, The Jedi Order.


Starting Location: Iago (T-7)


Faction Trait 1: Communal: As the members of the alliance put emphasis on community, soldiers have often met each other or are friends. Increased morale and loyalty.


Faction Trait 2: Advanced Planning: Tynnan’s are renowned for their patience and expert planning. Increased strategic ability.


Faction Trait 3: Mon Calamari Tech: The Mon Calamari have a reputation of being among the greatest starship designers in the galaxy with their technology being noted as unique. Improved Spacecraft efficiency.


Bio: Formed by Jedi Master Zaldo Var after the start of the Great Jedi Purge, the Aquatic Alliance is made up of Nautolans, Tynnans, Chagrians, Ongree and Mon Calamari. The Alliance aims to protect the species of the galaxy, defeat the Empire and the Sith and remain an independent power that planets can optionally join. The Aquatic Alliance is named due to it’s origin on Glee Anselm and the species of the founding members.


Faction Goals:


Unite all of the willing Aquatic planets in the Galaxy to form a power dedicated to the protection and welfare of all species.

Eliminate the Sith Empire to ensure the Galaxy’s safety.

Ally with the Republic whilst maintaining independence.


Starting Fleet: Aquatic Alliance Fleet


Starting Units: Aquatic Alliance Army


Starting Leader: Aquatic Alliance Leader


Other Characters:






Further Details:



Government: An Oligarchy made of 5 members, one from each race.


Species (beginning):

48% Nautolan

15% Ongree

17% Tynnan

10% Chagrian

10% Mon Calamari


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